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Dec 24, 2022, 59 tweets

simbang gabi special #1
ngayong pasko 🎄💒

a short au wherein #jaywon as christmas sweethearts only get to reunite during the holidays and every simbang gabi.












day 1 💒🎄









day 2 💒🎄



day 3 💒🎄




day 4 💒🎄







day 5 💒🎄



🎄 - boang thingz

day 6 💒🎄


day 7 💒🎄



day 8 💒🎄



day 9 💒🎄






end. 🎄

— based on real life events. 😄 sorry for being underwhelming and for the lack of kilig fest ✌🏻(entirely self-indulgent and a projection) merry christmas! 🎄

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