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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Dec 24, 2022, 18 tweets

One Piece Theory:

The trap that is Egghead Island.

Shrugging off sacrifices in the name of progress - in this thread, we’ll talk about why Vegapunk’s true target might be Kizaru.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

As with most theories, this might seem far-fetched, and might prove to be completely off.

If you’re not into parallels, puns, and wild speculations, this won’t be for you.

But if you’re curious about the plan of the supposedly smartest man in the world, then let’s go.

I’ll talk about Vegapunk, his possible motives, and all that fun stuff in a little bit. I’ll talk about the puns in the recent chapters too.

First, let’s talk about bananas. More specifically, bananawanis.

(Wani = crocodile in Japanese.)

The bananawani appear most prominently during the Alabasta arc. Rain Dinners, the casino where the crew first encounter Crocodile, has a giant bananawani statue on it.

Crocodile also kept a bunch of bananawani as pets.

In Rain Dinners, the crew, with Smoker, fell into a trap, and found themselves surrounded by bananawani.

Now - why is bananawani significant?

If you combine the words wani + banana, you get wana. Wana is the Japanese word for trap.

Rain Dinners was a trap.

At the start of Egghead, just like in Rain Dinner, we saw a space creature with a banana-shaped head.

Is Egghead an even bigger trap?

This isn’t the only trap reference in Egghead - but now let’s talk about Vegapunk and Kizaru.

We know that Vegapunk is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of progress. He doesn’t let morals interfere with his dream.

We also know that he’s curious about Devil Fruits - even though Logias, in his words, are “trickier than expected”.

No better way to study a Logia than by catching a user and experimenting with them - just like what he did with the prisoners of Impel Down, Alber and Kaido in Punk Hazard.

Vegapunk wants to capture Kizaru for the sake of experimentation.

Vegapunk has been making Marine ships disappear - this is his way of summoning them to Egghead.

CP5 -> CP7 -> CP8 and now CP0. Eventually, an admiral will show up - and, as @DrHives suggested, the admiral who’s connected to Vegapunk’s bodyguard might be the best candidate.

Moreover, Egghead arc has had tons of references to traps, and illusions.

From the line that protects the lab stratum, to the boots which don’t let them move, and the weaponized sea beasts that appear out of nowhere.

Jinbei pointed it out himself - “this has to be a trap”.

Speaking of 1062, we also saw Atlas wielding a photon bunch. A perfect countermeasure for the one who wields the light fruit.

The goroawase for 1062? 10 = TO, 6 = RA, 2 = PU.


Catching light is not impossible.

Another trap reference - whilst Egghead Island is obviously a cracked egg - the crack also resembles a bear trap.

You can see the bear trap again in 1061 - the ship passes over a mouth that resembles a bear trap.

Pretty fitting considering what Vegapunk did to Kuma.

Here’s another coincidence - in chapter 163’s SBS - somebody asks Oda - "Can you beat my gorilla?"

Oda says "Oh, but they like bananas... maybe I could... set up a trap... and make him slip on the peel…"

You know what else likes bananas? Monkeys.

Kizaru = Yellow Monkey.

Monkey also refers to Monkey D. Luffy, obviously.

Vegapunk might want to experiment with the legendary Devil Fruit too.

If both Kizaru and Luffy are trapped, it'll be a neat parallel to Rain Dinners - where Luffy and the crew was trapped with a member of the Marines - Smoker.

So…if Vegapunk traps the Straw Hats and Kizaru, who’ll come to their rescue?

Here’s another parallel to Rain Dinners; another "Prince" might come to help.

SWORD, conveniently located at a nearby base will come to their rescue. ⚔️

To recap, Vegapunk has set a trap for Kizaru (as hinted by the bananawani), and the crew happens to be caught in it.

Vegapunk might not necessarily be evil - but he does have iffy morals.

Rescue will come in the form of SWORD, who'll finally take the stage.

Sounds cool to me.

Perhaps Bonney is right to have a bone to pick with Vegapunk.

After all, can you trust someone who flies a “PACIFIST” flag but carries a gun?

That’s all for me! Hope it gave you some food for thought. Do like and RT if you enjoyed it!

Happy holidays!

Oh, and one final thing - Ms Goldenweek, who has been shown with an apple on her head like Vegapunk, has an ability called Colour Trap.

Again - a connection between Vegapunk and traps. Coincidence? Who knows.

Major props to @3SkullJoe for prompting this line of thinking!

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