Hale🍍🦉🐛 Profile picture
maybe I could've loved moderately | I write gay things | gay multifandom mess | blm | she/her

Dec 24, 2022, 134 tweets

#Avatrice Wild Child/2000’s teen movie inspired Social Media AU: Party girl Ava gets sent to a private boarding school after her last stunt. Finding herself allied with her roommates Ava’s on a mission to get out of Abbey Mount but maybe she finds her reason to stay

authors note: don’t pay attention to the time stamps too much I’ve been doing this au parts periodically and I’m a lil rusty at making aus

bio p1:

bio p2:

bio p3:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

Part 11:

Part 12:

Part 13:

Part 14:

Part 15:

Part 16:

Part 17:

Part 18:

Part 19:

Part 20:

Part 21:

Part 22:

Part 23:

Part 24:

Part 25:

Part 26:

Part 27:

Part 28:

Part 29:

Part 30:

Part 31:

Part 32:

Part 33:

Part 34:

Part 35:

Part 36:

Part 37:

Part 38:

Part 39:

Part 40:

Part 41:

Part 42:

Part 43:

Part 44:

Part 45:

Part 46:

Part 47:

Part 48:

Part 49:

Part 50:

Part 51

Part 52:

Part 53:

Part 54:

Part 55:

Part 56:

Part 57:

Part 58:

Part 59:

Part 60:

Part 61:

Part 62:

Part 63:

Part 64:

Part 65:

Part 66:

Part 67:

Part 68:

Part 69:

Part 70:

Part 71:

Part 72:

Part 73:

Part 74:

Part 75:

Part 76:

Part 77:

Part 78:

Part 79:

Part 80:

Part 81:

Part 82:

Part 83: (also cause I forgot to mention there’s gonna be lil time skips now so time stamps are only a lil relevant cause of that)

Part 84:

Part 85:

Part 86:

Part 87:

Part 88:

Part 89:

Part 90: (and let’s pretend Ava’s had pink hair all this time)

Part 91:

Part 92:

Part 93:

Part 94:

Part 95:

Part 96:

Part 97:

Part 98:

Part 99:

Part 100:

Part 101:

Part 102:

Part 103:

Part 104:

Part 105:

Part 106:

Part 107:

Part 108:

Part 109:

Part 110:

Part 111:

Part 112:

Part 113:

Part 114:

Part 115:

Part 116:

Part 117:

Part 118:

Part 119:

Part 120:

Part 121:

Part 122:

Part 123:

Part 124:

Part 125:

Epilogue Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

The End:

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