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Bi 🌈 | Jeff Satur | Bible Wichapas | #BibleJeff | #JossGawin | #NeoMark | i write AUs sometimes | Admin of BibleJeff SG (@bibsforjeffSG) and TheCoBanFC (IG)

Dec 24, 2022, 14 tweets

◇ 12 Days Of Christmas ◇

A #BibleJeff/#JeffBible AU where Bible received different presents on each of the 12 days of Christmas from a secret admirer.

🎁 Day 1 🎁

🎁 Day 2 🎁

🎁 Day 3 🎁

🎁 Day 4 🎁

🎁 Day 5 🎁

🎁 Day 6 🎁

🎁 Day 7 🎁

🎁 Day 8 🎁

🎁 Day 9 🎁

🎁 Day 10 🎁

🎁 Day 11 🎁

🎁 Day 12 🎁

-end. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Oh and Bible if you're reading this, Happy Birthday 🎂 okbye-

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