Miss Z Ali Profile picture
Teacher of RE, PSHE & Citizenship | Deputy HOY for Yr11 | Leeds/Bradford | Interested in vocabulary, memory, retrieval & all things RE 📚

Dec 24, 2022, 7 tweets

As a Muslim, I love Christmas.... 🎄

...because it's such a special time to honour and remember Isa (Jesus)!

Here are my 6 favourite facts about Jesus (peace be upon him) in the Qur'an ⬇️🧵 #TeamRE

1️⃣ Family: In Islam, Jesus is a descendent of David, and therefore descendent of Jacob and Abraham, peace be upon them all. He is the nephew of Zachariah, peace be upon him, and cousin of John, peace be upon him. What a noble family indeed!

2️⃣ Titles: Jesus is given many titles in the Qur'an, like...
-Ruh: a spirit (21:91)
-Abdullah: a servant of Allah (19:30)
-Mubarak: blessed (19:31)
-Ayah: a sign (19:21)
-Rahmah: a mercy (19:21)
-Kalimah: a word from Allah (3:45)
-Wajeeh: honoured (3:45)

And of course 'Messiah'!

3️⃣ Mother: Mary (Maryam, upon her be peace), is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur'an. An entire chapter is named after Maryam! Her example is of a pious and God-fearing woman, tested and trialled but who remained steadfast. She is especially honoured in the Qur'an:

4️⃣ Birth: Contrary to the nativity narrative, Muslims believe that Jesus was born under a date tree by a river, probably in spring/summer time, Bethlehem. Like Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, Jesus has no father. The Qur'an often notes this similarity between the two Prophets:

5️⃣ Miracles: In addition to his miraculous birth, Jesus also spoke in infancy. Amongst his first words were: "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet." This concluded with one of my favourite Qur'anic verses:

6️⃣ Return: For many Muslims, Jesus was not actually crucified but instead ascended to heaven. As such, many believe he will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and defeat the 'False Messiah' (Antichrist).

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