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Dec 25, 2022, 53 tweets

#FGO [SPOILERS] Lostbelt n°7 - Nahui Mictlān
Summary thread
- I make a short summary at each completed session
- I may forget some things or make some mistakes
- Consider it my understanding of the chapter
- It's full spoiler, in game screenshots under the spoiler function of TL

#FGO [SPOILERS] Lostbelt n°7 - Prologue
This is the direct continuation of Traum. We are faced with Subject E who is a corpse but also a living organism. Mashu retrieves the data from the strange room and Master retrieves Subject E and we leave, as the area disappears shortly

after the appearance of the Alien God priestess. Once back on board the Chaldea ship, Sion explains that she knew about Sherlock Holmes. She explains that he was like his Alien God given role in helping us, but the fact that he threw himself off the waterfall proves that he chose

Chaldea. In a way, it seems that Sherlock's presence in Chaldea was intended by the enemy. Still, Zion doesn't understand why Sherlock agreed to help Alien God in the first place... Moriarty, who had recorded a video for Chaldea before disappearing, speaks up. He confirms that

Subject E has been experimented on for 100 years and that his agony has attracted Alien God. Moriarty then gives the purpose of Alien God: to merge with ORT. ORT is known in the magical world as a space threat. It is a creature with a monstrous power and turns everything it

touches into crystal. Sion explains that if Chaldea is lv50, then ORT is lv1000. Alien God can therefore merge with other living beings and target ORT. Chaldea's mission will be to stop Alien God.

Master receives the Mystic Code for the final battle. This one was made by Habetrot. Fujimaru and Mashu have a bad feeling about facing Alien God because they recognize Olga. After some examinations, Da Vinci confirms that Mashu is in good shape. Mashu is growing stronger.

There is some kind of Black Barrel nerf because it requires too much energy from Mashu and Master. Da Vinci explains to Mashu that she could stop being a half-servant because her body is adapting more and more to the nature of a Servant.

#FGO [SPOILERS] Lostbelt n°7 - Chapter 1
Analysis of Subject E gives 3 informations: the room it was found in was at the advanced state of human technology, the life form that is its body is totally unknown to Chaldea technology, human bloodstains and pieces of flesh were found

on its body... It is obvious that there has been a murder nearby. It is decided that Chaldea will summon 4 Servants before attacking the lostbelt, Nitocris is summoned now, the other three will be later. Nitocris is this time at full power. Chaldea discusses and does not hide the

fact that Lostbelt may have a fantasy tree, although it may be hidden or dead. Chaldea's ship passes the storm wall and enters what is supposed to be the Amazon rainforest... Only the lungs of the earth are not there, there is a dry, volcanic land under a storm and dark clouds.

Another anomaly, when you display the map of the continent, there is only one "super" continent. Because Kadoc is right and I like paleo, it is Pangaea (it may be 66 million years old), this continent existed before the separation of the continents. It is normal that this

Lostbelt is not appropriate for humans, whose ancestor appeared much later. Fou-kun interrupts our conversation and for a good reason: Alien God has detected Chaldea and she is determined to confront us in a head-on battle.

Master and Mashu face Alien God with the objective of gaining time. The fight is difficult for Chaldea, but Mashu manages to send an attack back to Alien God. Chaldea's weapon, combining the Black Barrel which analyzes the remaining

life span and the Sacred Sword which analyzes the threat to the earth, fires. Unfortunately, the shot does not kill U Olga but she becomes aware that Chaldea has a weapon. Suddenly, an attack, having a heat comparable to the sun, coming from the deepest part of the

Lostbelt's ground interrupts the Alien God VS Chaldea fight. Captain Nemo asks Mashu, Kadoc and Master to go to the hangar to evacuate on board. Gordolf complains that he is the only human to stay. U Olga and the heat source face each other. The heat source, a fusion of plants

and minerals, takes on a human-like form and hits U Olga who is near the Chaldea ship. The attack is considerable and worse, Master falls. Nemo, seriously injured and still aboard, makes his usual report. He intends to use what remains of his energy to make the ship land...

#FGO [SPOILERS] Lostbelt n°7 - Chapter 2
Master wakes up, alone in an unknown and foggy place. Master decides to move. He discovers a campfire and this man. The blond man judges Master on his clothes, wondering about his time and then, concludes that if he is here, he is a

friend. The man is not interested by knowing Master's name and offers him a handshake thinking that this is what people do now. In the sky, Master sees the Stormborder which looks like it is about to crash. Master runs in the direction of the ship even though it is useless.

The blond man knows the area where the Stormborder is to land/crash. He offers Master to help him against a weapon. The blond man is addicted to modernity and especially to 21st century weapons. Master replies that he has no weapon and then... Gives up his Command Codes. The man

understands that the value of this weapon is more valuable than Master's own life. He agrees to help him. He gives him a strange skull, saying that it could be useful to him and then, pushes Master. Even though there was no hole behind him before, Master falls.

Command Spells* Sorry! 🥺

Master open eyes. He hears a familiar voice crying. When he comes to his senses, he spots Marine Nemo. They are in a cave. While trying to save Master, Marine fell with him. Master ends up asking why Marine is whispering and Marine tells him to look "over there".

U Olga is there, unconscious. U Olga wakes up, which does not really scare Master who still sees in her the Director Olga. Obviously, the attack that Alien God received has left her with serious sequels... She knows that she is an alien coming from space, she knows her name and

her purpose. She knows that she has suffered serious injuries and nothing more... U Olga is amnesic. Marine introduces himself by asking not to kill him, Master does the same. Hearing Master's name, U Olga feels like hitting him. She then explains that she is not going to kill

them, as she has no reason to do so. After giving the title of "Interstellar Ambassadors of Goodwill" to Master and Marine Nemo... *cough* The three characters leave the cave.

The trio is in a forest looking like the Amazon rainforest. Marine discovers a flower that he had never seen before. U Olga is aware that she knows this area. She detects enemies that looks like animals and that runs towards them. Master reflexively tries to summon a Servant but

nothing happens. He has indeed lost his Command Spells earlier... Armed jaguar men attack. U Olga instinctively protects Marine from a shot. Olga engages the enemies. After fending off the jaguar men, Marine is suddenly more friendly with U Olga. Alien God explains that she sees

"waves", their color helping to understand the behavior/feelings of other beings. Marine was red when he was scared and is now blue. She explains that the color is yellow with Master, a feeling/perception closer to friendship or joy. Somehow, master still feels like he is dealing

with the director Olga. Another enemy appears. Olga starts to say that no matter how ignorant or primitive a living being is, she must always start with dialogue. Only when she sees that it is a real dinosaur, she screams that it is impossible...

U Olga seems to have trouble with the dino... She asks Master to do something, but he doesn't have his Command Spell anymore. Suddenly, the dino is finally defeated by another person who enters the scene... The man of Chaldea. With an unsympathetic voice, he criticizes the

situation because the last Master of humanity was almost crushed by a stupid dino... The man of Chaldea faces us. Master presents him as someone who pretends to be Romani Archaman. The man decides to play the fraud until the end and to call himself Romani Archaman. Romani quickly

understands that if Master hides his hand, it is because he has lost his Spells. "You are no longer a Master. If you want to survive, you'll have to change your strategies" he says. Romani was about to leave, but Master uses the name "Mashu" as a weapon against him, which works.

Romani says she is in a cave to the south. She is also, fell from the Stormborder. Before leaving, the man of Chaldea says that if humanity (Master) can erase 7 Lostbelts then he will be his enemy. He finally adds that the opponent is Daybit and "You can not defeat ORT".

Master, Marine and U Olga join the cave indicated by Romani. Inside, we find an installation that seems human with a bed and various objects. A voice rises from the wall and explains that Romani has warned him of Chaldea's arrival. No matter how you look at it, the source of the

voice is a dinosaur. This dino is called Tepeu. He briefly explains that in Lostbelt, dinos are the form of humanity. They are therefore more intelligent than the dinosaurs of the pan-human and are all herbivores. Marine does not risk to be eaten. Habetrot appears, followed

by Mashu. Although the meeting between them and "a nice alien who brought Master here" is quite eventful, the conversation is redirected to Tepeu. This one explains that he lives far from the "city" (earth layer 1) and that he received the knowledge of the pan-human from the

man of Chaldea. Tepeu knows that the world of Chaldea is the "real" one and sees them as guests, considering that the world of the dinos is anyway doomed. The dinos can communicate in the same language since the appearance of the Crypter in Lostbelt, comparing it to a translator

veil encompassing the Lostbelt. He also mentions "maya" which seems to be life/divinity. Tepeu says that they are in the underground world Mitclan. It is a world comparable to 9 earth layers with a particular gravity that makes each level stable. He then evokes the "war" between

the dinos and the jaguar men, who have a leader (called Iskari?), who arrived with the Crypter. The latter have taken control of the 5th layer. The jaguars kill the dinos to harvest their bodies as materials or poison them, which makes them lose their reason (like the dino who

attacked the group). Returning to the business of Chaldea, Mashu explains that she has lost contact with the Stormborder for the past 4 hours. As Habetrot praises Master's Command Spells that can summon Servants and serve as bullets for the Black Barrel,

Master is forced to explain the loss of his Command Spells. Anyway, they have to find the Stormborder and the rest of the Chaldea crew (the location is known). Tepeu offers himself as a guide.

After 2 hours of walking, the group takes a 15 minutes break. It is extremely hot. Fortunately the MC of the Master helps to hold. Marine goes to look for water. U Olga discusses with Mashu and Master. When Marine comes back, it is while screaming, an aggressive dino behind him.

This dino is neither dead nor alive, contaminated by the place/jaguars. The group escapes the jungle and arrives in front of a maize field. Mashu and U Olga discuss humanity. She is calling humanity's environmental destructiveness "a race to see how far you can fly".

Mitclan looks like a dense, flat forest but in reality it is divided into layers. From the 7th layer on, it is dangerous even for dinos. A particular tree seems to be at the 9th layer. At layers 8 and 9, a fog kills living things. There is a time when the fog dissipates but no

dino has managed to go and come back despite this time without "fog of death". The Stormborder crashed at the 3rd layer, near the 4th. However, to get there, we have to cross a dangerous barrier because of the god brought by the Crypter, Tezcatlipoca.

Mashu realises that Tepeu is particularly intelligent, a kind of genius. Tepeu explains that it is because of his intelligence that he is treated as a heretic and forced to live far away. The dinos are like the humans of the lostbelt. When Mitclan was created, their ancestors

soaked up the earth. They became what panhumans can compare to dinosaurs. It was with the arrival of the Crypter that the concept of God, faith and worship appeared in the Lostbelt. It has, in a way, brought the pan-human side. There is a kind of civil war, on one side the dinos,

ruled by a King and protected by the sun god, and the jaguars who are linked to the Crypter and the god he brought with him. The Stormborder is near the area called "Mexico" under Tezcatlipoca's control. Master immediately thinks that Daybit must also be there. Night has finally

fallen with great delay. U Olga looks at the stars in the distance. Mashu and Master take the opportunity to talk. For the past 12 hours, U Olga has been friendly to them and stressed that she was not hostile. Master says that we must continue to keep silent about her.

U Olga comes back to Mashu and Master and asks for stories. Master tells her what a Master, a Servant, a Mage is... He also mentions the whitening of the earth, the Lostbelts and other points about Chaldea. U Olga, on learning what Chaldea has done, congratulates Master and Mashu

for the hard work... It's hard not to think of the Director. Olga gives our story a mark of 90 out of 100, she is satisfied but something is missing. Master says that with Olga, we have the 10 missing! Olga laughs at this (in her own way) and then proposes to fight together as

allies. The priestess of the Alien God observes the scene in silence and in secret. It is getting late so everyone goes to bed. Someone is watching us in the distance... A man dressed as a priest who finds the situation quite embarrassing...

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