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Dec 25, 2022, 6 tweets

Opus Judei connected, E. Michael Jones discuss Anti-Semitism with kabbalist Rav Michael 'Jews are space aliens' Laitman. #RavLaitman #OpusDei bit.ly/2LxKhJJ

Laitman’s operation is based in Petah Tikvah a pre-‘Israel’ settlement founded by Orthodox Jews funded by David Rene James de Rothschild’s great uncle, Edmond James de Rothschild. That’s him in the holy land with his niece/wife

Recall you pointing out some years ago that E. Michael Jones was buddies with Rabbi Samuel F. Dresner, a student and disciple of Abraham Heschel. Jones wrote quoting Dresner, ‘USA is broken and will be fixed when Jews and gentile unite.’

Well, I know what ‘moral law’ Rabbis Samuel Dresner and Abraham Heschel had in mind for the utopian Judeo-Gentile golden age. It’s time for E Michael Jones to define his terms which thus far have been recklessly vague slogans

Bnei Baruch's ethos:

"They present a popular adaptation of the kabbala of Rabbi Ashlag..In addition, they are motivated by a totalitarian messianic vision that envisions, in the not-too-distant future, a government of kabbalists who cannot be challenged.” haaretz.com/2012-08-30/ty-…

“the connection with Dresner ... ended years ago” EMJ wrote positively of Heschel disciple Dresner *in* CW, in a really convoluted way, suggesting that Dresner and other Orthodox Jews are against ‘tikkun olam’ (which is alleged to be a Sabbatean exclusive). This is delusional

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