Roger Wilco Profile picture

Dec 25, 2022, 15 tweets

Buffalo is currently frozen and crippled following the disastrous 2-day lake effect snow and high wind event being called the #BuffaloStorm2022 #BuffaloBlizzard.

The Buffalo NWS identified a particular type of cloud seen in this storm: gravity wave clouds.

Here’s what I found.

The Buffalo NWS has labeled the zebra stripe-patterned clouds seen below gravity wave clouds. This cloud type has been visible on radar and satellite imagery throughout the #BombCyclone #WinterStorm #winterstormelliot.

This type of cloud has been visible on radar and satellite imagery for years, but, whereas it is claimed they were once somewhat unusual or rare, they can now be found in the sky every single day. They tend to cover huge swathes of land and are impossible to miss.

Having regularly seen “gravity wave clouds” for several years now, or “altostratus undulatus” as I thought they were called, I had never heard the term before. One of the first studies I found dealt with cloud seeding gravity wave clouds.

The study, which was funded by NOAA’s Atmospheric Modification Program, sought to enhance precipitation via cloud seeding gravity wave clouds.

Precipitation enhancement, a form of climate modification is conducted via aircraft or land-based aerosol emission devices. Spraying aerosolized silver iodide, which is toxic, is a primary method of seeding clouds. Other chemicals are used as well. “Ice nucleating aerosols”

Cloud seeding gravity wave clouds must have been in its’ infancy in 2000.

The study produced the unintended consequence of flash flooding due to the abundance of rain their cloud seeding operations precipitated.

Saudi Arabia rolled out cloud seeding operations this year, and it would appear the flash flood in Mecca this week is a candidate for precipitation enhancement flash flooding:

Returning to gravity wave clouds, they are associated with high wind events and increased precipitation, it would appear.

Buffalo may be known for its lake-effect snow, but it’s Christmas and the entire city has been completely paralyzed for 3 days. Never seen it like this.

Was this storm cloud seeded? Was it modified by electromagnetic transmissions? I’d bet yes, which begs the question, why? Even if someone added a couple thousand pounds too much dry ice to the planes, or turned the frequency to 11, what is the purpose, ultimately?

I can’t prove the gravity wave clouds we are seeing are a signature of electromagnetic transmissions, but the research is out there, I know. Toying around with the upper atmosphere can affect the lower layers.

From everything I’ve seen, “gravity wave clouds” are a very recent phenomena. NWS barely mentions them. They sure didn’t talk about them in their forecaster discussion about this storm, unless someone can show me otherwise. They don’t even exist for all most people I know.

Ultimately, most real things in the world don’t exist for most people. They’ll all just go along with whatever bland perception pacifies their mind. And if you can’t talk about the weather, what can you talk about? No politics, no religion, no weather?

So as I sit here on Christmas night, which has effectively been canceled due to the worst blizzard I’ve ever seen, I have all the time and every reason to kick the tires and look under the weather hood. And it looks a lot like a lemon.

Merry Christmas.

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