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Dec 26, 2022, 8 tweets

The Trinity in History and Society. The Russian Idea, Polish Messianism, and the Post-Secular Reason
In: Apology of Culture. Religion and Culture in Russian Thought, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications 2015, s. 24–42,

There are "similarities between the Russian Idea and Polish Messianism" and "a closeness between Soloviev and Adam Mickiewicz."

"Russian and Polish Christian thinkers anticipated the crucial ideas of Nouvelle Théologie, Second Vatican Council, Radical Orthodoxy, the School of Granada and other recent fashionable currents in Christian post-secular thought."

“Messianism” was originally introduced by Józef Hoene-Wroński. Adam Mickiewicz adopted it and popularized the term. (FYI: Joseph Maria Hoene-Wronski was source from which Alphonse Louis Constant aka Eliphas Levi learned his knowledge of Kabbalah which he popularized for public.)

Vatican II and the Nouvelle Theologie borrow, "some its crucial ideas relevant for Polish Messianism and the Russian Idea" and "the documents of the Council might be read as a kind of constitution of the new post-secular order."


"The teaching of the Second Vatican Council has been developed and deepened by John Paul II, the true Slavic Pope, who fulfilled the prophecies of the Polish poets and went beyond the dreams of Russian philosophers."

Henri de Lubac was directly influenced by Russian messianic thought and acquainted with the messianic works of Mickiewicz as was John Paul II. "Karol Wojtyła was a member of the secret organization Unia, led by declared Messianist Jerzy Braun."

"Soloviev gave a speech in Moscow at a ceremony to the memory of Adam Mickiewicz"

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