1. #ProjectMockingbird & the US propaganda machine.
Daniel Sheehan states that during his investigation, there were 42 NSA people employed by the national media agencies.
2. Retired AF (Special Investigations Unit) Richard Doty admits that they paid members of the press to help control the ñarrative of certain topics.
3. Doty continues and talks about events staged to make it look like there is some sort of interplanetary conflict going on.
4. Sheehan continues to discuss where this is going...
5. All clips above from, Close Encounters of the 5th Kind - a documentary.
However, it is important to note that
Project Mockingbird was not created just to control the narrative on ufo disclosures, but to control ALL narratives released to the citizens.
6. Operation Mockingbird never ended. This is WHY some stories do not get discussed, even on Twitter.
#Metabiota #J6Antifa #vaxinjuries
3 letter agencies are controlling the narrative. The Twitter Files releases prove Mockingbird is still ongoing.
#Psyop #WeveBeenDuped
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