Josie Kins Profile picture
psychedelic researcher @mindstatedesign, Subjective Effect Documentation enthusiast, founder of various projects, glitchybrained-intersex-technoshaman, etc, etc

Dec 28, 2022, 14 tweets

Denizens of Hyperspace.
My attempts at using #midjourneyV4 to generate snapshots of realistic DMT entities. All of the prompts can be found here:…
Please let me know if you manage to improve or tweak the prompts/outputs further!

alright, i'm going to stop there for now. I've been messing with this prompt so much that it's starting to feel like an addictive psychedelic lootbox 😅

For those looking to improve upon this base prompt, I think these DMT entity replications would look more accurate if:
-they had more than 2 eyes. Midjourney struggles with this.
-they had more emotionally expressive faces.
-they looked less creepy/sinister.

…good luck! 🫡

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