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Freelance internet scuba diver and occasional memer. Not monetized. "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

Dec 29, 2022, 7 tweets

Let's play 2 truths and the rest lies.

"a transgender person, as a woman, as a Christian, a wife, a pastor, a parent"

Man describes "joyous" and totally not "somber, serious, morose, hush-hush and awkward" gender confirmation procedure that took 18+ months to get, including a "demeaning psychiatric evaluation". Afterward, a nurse leaned in with a HUGE smile and said "congratulations". #NotParody

Trans "pastor" says "transitions are holy". After declaring all trans people "brave and tough", he tells of a harrowing experience where a medical worker mis-gendered him "I was wearing a dress...full face of make-up...presenting myself very feminine...and it hurt...it was scary"

This "pastor" is also over here defending a pedophile. Not a good look, I fear for his own kids.

He wrote about how he pictures his kids as "career-criminals" or drug dealers when they won't get in the car or eat their broccoli. This guy is clearly mentally deranged and it's only a matter of time before he ends up in the news if he doesn't get proper help.

"I knew I was trans when I tried to tell my wife just prior to our wedding, clumsily explaining the weird envy I felt for women. I knew when I felt jealousy about my wife’s pregnancies with our children and incredible grief at the reality that I will never experience that myself"

A trans pastor's Beatitudes:

"Blessed are the trans kids, whose pure hearts just long to express themselves"

"They're blessed by going to coffee with bigots, they've struck the mystical jackpot"

"Blessed are those who open their hearts to the world, they will experience joy"

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