Dr. ZW Profile picture
Conspiracy Analyst, Juxtaposer, Human

Dec 29, 2022, 22 tweets

@akheriaty A social credit profile? How could that possibly go wrong?!?

“Uh oh! You donated to some truckers that were starting an 'insurrection' in the Capital. Looks like your access to financial services are going to be flipped off with this handy-dandy switch”


"FTX was an op, that got brought down in an op ... FTX was a CBDC marketing plan" —Catherine Austin Fitts


"I think crypto, first and foremost, was simply a prototype for CBDCs …Prototyping is very organic & very messy - you just try lots of stuff - you know that most of them will fail but in the process you'll figure out what works." —Catherine Austin Fitts


"This is maybe last call for figuring out how humans beings can move into the next phase of being human."


"get rid of paper currency, you end up with digital currency run by the government - this is what they have in China, it's called “Programmable Currency” …Once they control the currency it's total control of everything you do. And there's no dissent."

#TurnkeyTotalitarianism: "when they turn it all on it's over ... Never in history has government, and totalitarian elements in our government, had the capacity to exercise such exquisite and total and pervasive control over every aspect of human behavior"

The future with CBDCs: "They can turn off your money. If they say you have to have a vaccine once a month, if you don't get the vaccine once a month they turn off your money. And that means they turn off your food, they turn off your travel ..."


Earpods that sense brain activity for others to monitor are launching later this year.


"The digital identity that they now are pushing - that is the ticket to slavery." —@VeraSharav


@VeraSharav "Nobody understood biology well enough, and nobody had enough computing power and data, to hack millions of people. Neither the gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people."

@VeraSharav "34 of the cities that had riots [in 2020] are locations for Fed banks or offices ... If I was gonna build the smart-grid out near the Fed offices or banks, what a great way - have a riot, knock out the small businesses, they have to sell cheap ..."

"CBDCs are not currencies. A CBDC system is a complete control system ... essentially this is a slavery system" —@CatherineFits

"The current war on the people is part of the restructuring that the globalist “owners” (owners of the central banks) are attempting - going direct reset and attempted CBDCs."


"There will be no rescuers if people march into the concentration camps that they have in mind for us."



"Unfortunately here we are: it's less than 100 years and the world has pretty much forgotten, and is in fact totally blind to parallels that could lead to another holocaust. Only this time there will be no rescuers." —@VeraSharav


@VeraSharav "Lockdowns were a compliance test. Testing was a compliance test. Masks were a compliance test. The injections were a compliance test. It's all about conditioning the population to allow the government to do things they would not previously have accepted"


"We've lost control of our government"


"the Fourth Industrial Revolution is essentially a recipe for neo-feudalism, but one that's managed by extremely invasive and advanced technology"

This Bank for International Settlements spokespig explains that they consider your money to be their "expression of Central Bank liability". And naturally they want to control what's theirs.


"The goal is actually on the monetary side - that is the prize that they're aiming for: they're aiming for CBDCs connected to digital IDs. And that means we're talking about the most totalitarian control system in human history"


CBDCs are programmable.

"there's never been such a powerful control tool as they're about to introduce" —@ProfessorWerner


"We have a bit of time ... they've decided to take the 'slow road' to CBDCs, which is the so-called 'wholesale CBDC' - that's the Chinese version of CBDCs, whereby the banks are not yet driven out of business"


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