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Dec 31, 2022, 7 tweets

Hey, Roamans, Happy New Year!
@RoamResearch #roamdepot
I got some gifts for you guys, you can take them from the roam depot 😉

1. Search+. Now you can search the content cross the blocks

2. Aliases.
You can select the page aliases in `[[]]` selection popup window
BTW, it's use the same keyword with Autotag

and "Unlink Aliases References" to help you find the unlink content

3. Update for roam-hierarchy. can now update the titles of subhierarchy pages by updating the current page title

4. Update for Datepick enhancer.
- You can select your own page you want to use instead of "due".
- and now the "due" tagged block only counted
if it is a sub-block of the [[TODO]] block

That's it. Happy roaming everyone

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