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Dec 31, 2022, 20 tweets

Together with @fiorine we are putting a narrative project. We are examining relationships of images from Ukraine and word quotes from, well, "good Russians”. #NotAllRussians 1/n

Context for this batch: one of the popular Russian twitter users asked his followers whether they would support the Ukrainian Armed Forces with money. The answers are puzzling yet obvious. #NotAllRussians 2/n

By the time we put it together, OP's account ceased to exist — probably ban by angry readers #NotAllRussians 3/n

It is afternoon of Dec 31, and there is another missile attack happening as I put together this thread. #NotAllRussians 4/20

I am guided by Bertold Brecht's War Primer, the only book he did during WWII. He overlaid photos from the media with own old poems. #NotAllRussians 5/20

We follow Brecht's route using direct voices from ordinary people. #NotAllRussians 6/20

Brecht was struck by aerial photography. Technology, camera and perspective offered a radical view of the world never seen before. Now it seems that a new radical view and a new reading is gained through people, not drone videos #NotAllRussians 7/20

“It is not knowledge we lack. What is missing is the courage to understand what we know and draw conclusions.” (Sven Lindquist) #NotAllRussians 20/20

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