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Jan 1, 2023, 8 tweets

#BornToday in 1894 a polyglot well versed in several languages - Bengali, English, French, German and Sanskrit, a polymath with wide range of interests including physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, mineralogy, philosophy, arts, literature, and music.

Satyendra Nath Bose

The most important achievement of Bose is his association with Einstein.

While Bose was working on quantum physics and relativity theory, he wrote a paper on deriving Planck's quantum radiation law and sent it to Albert Einstein, who recognized the importance of the research.

Einstein translated it into German - it became the basis for many discoveries in the field of Physics.

Bose-Einstein condensate was an outcome of Bose and Einstein's prediction of a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons.

Unlike what many people think - *he didn't discover Bosons*.

It was named after Bose by that legendary physicist Paul Dirac to commemorate the contribution of Bose.

Is light a wave or a particle? An MBA will say It depends... which in this case is also what a physicist might say.

According to Bose, this was cheating. Bose thought of light as a "gas" of light particles and wrote a paper satisfying Planck's equation with this funda.

He sent his paper to Einstein by writing one of the classic Indian Englishisms while addressing Einstein -

Dear Respectful Master

Bose's 200 year old house in Kolkata is still a shrine for all scientists.

Wolfgang Ketterle, the Nobel winning German physicist, who considered it a duty to drop by when he visited the city in early 2011.

It is unfortunate that we do not remember Satyendra Nath Bose more these days. Someone whose work led to so many discoveries in the field of Physics, but hasn't been awarded the Nobel Prize.

Here's hoping his story inspires generations to come.

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