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Jan 3, 2023, 23 tweets

This photo isn’t even from the “Holodomor,” it was taken in 1921 as part of international relief efforts during the Volga famine.

Basically all photographic “evidence” purported to document the 1932-33 famine dramatized as “Holodomor” is fraudulent. Let’s look at examples, taken from Douglas Tottle’s Fraud, Famine and Fascism.…

The seminal accounts of what would become the “Holodomor” was a story published in the rabidly pro-Nazi Hearst press by a man going by the name of Thomas Walker. Shortly after it’s publication, it was revealed that he had never visited Ukraine and his account was completely false

Not only was his account fictitional, but Walker himself was a fraud. In reality, he was an escaped convict named Robert Green previously convicted of forgery. In his trial he admitted fabricating the story for Hearst.

Walker’s fraudulent photographs are still widely used by Ukrainian nationalists and Western propaganda departments at prestigious institutions such as the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, which resurrected the Holodomor myth as part of 1980s Cold War propaganda.

The second major source for Holodomor photographs was Ewald Ammende’s 1935 Human Life in Russia, published in Nazi Germany. The book cites many Nazi sources, Nationalist emigres and Mussolini’s Italy, in addition to Hearst men.

Amennde just so happened to have worked in famine relief in the 1922 Volga famine, where most of the photographs he claims were shot in 1933 were actually taken. Curiously, many photographs he attributed to a Nazi functionary “Dr. Ditloff” were also attributed to Thomas Walker.

Rounding out the set of primary sources from which contemporary Holodomor “scholarship” draws is the rabidly anti-Semitic Black Deeds of the Kremlin, published in 1953 during the McCarthy era by Ukrainian Nationalists.

The Black Deeds accuses Soviets of the Vynnitsiya massacre, citing as witness one Petro Pavlovich, a Nazi collaborator who praised Germany as “liberator of Ukraine” and called for the defeat of “Jew-communism”. German soldiers later testified to fabricating the atrocity.

Donors to the book included Ukrainian Nazis like Anton Shpak, who personally executed a Jewish childhood friend during a pogrom.

As evidence, The Black Deeds of the Kremlin includes 9 Thomas Walker photographs and 10 from Dr. Ditloff to accuse the “jew-communists” of famine-genocide.

Until 1953, Ukrainian nationalists in the UPA carried out a bloody, CIA-supported terrorist campaign against the forces which liberated the country from the Nazis. Many of these die-hard fascists fled to Canada and the USA with self-exculpating national victim narrative.

During the Reagan anti-communist furor of the 1980s, the story of the Holodomor was dusted off and put to good use. Harvard’s anti-communist propaganda capabilities were augmented with a Ukrainian Research Institute which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the famine-genocide.

Scholar-cum-propagandists like James Mace and Olexa Woropay published harrowing accounts which relied on familiar primary sources: Walker, Ammende, Ditloff and the Black Deeds, going so far as to cite Walker’s account directly, ignoring the author’s admission of its fraudulence.

But the most popular retelling of the famine-genocide was the 1986 Harvest of Sorrows, written by former Robert Conquest, formerly of British intelligence’s Information Research Department, tasked with conducting disinformation and propaganda campaigns targeting communist states

Conquest relies on the testimony of Ukrainian nationalist emigres, including members of the OUN-B, as well well as the same fraudulent sources described above. He also cites Thomas Walker.

The Holodomor famine-genocide myth depends entirely on fraudulent primary sources. It is a political propaganda project of fascist Ukrainian nationalists and the imperialist USA which funds them and has used their movement to undermine both Soviet communism and a resurgent Russia

Ukraine’s sovereignty was violated in the US-orchestrated 2014 Maidan coup. Since then, the US has instigated a proxy war in which hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dying for the purpose of weakening and isolating a US rival and boosting US arms sales. It’s utterly cynical.

Some further thoughts and threads below

On the function of the Holodomor in Ukrainian nationalism

Here are links to an index of the Walker and Ammende photographs which can be used to cross-reference and trace images claiming to show "Holodomor" back to their original, fraudulent sources. Bookmark these!……

Several folks have brought up another source for Holodomor photographs. Alexander Wienerberger was a Jewish Nazi who fought for the Germans in WWII, a phenomenon that seems relevant today given claims Ukraine can't be fascist bc the puppet leader is Jewish…

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