2Lambroz.eth 🐑 (🧑‍🍳🥩🤌) Profile picture
🐑 anonymous twitter animal that is way too into DeFi, yield farming and designing strategies 🧑‍🍳🥩🤌 medium rare chat https://t.co/FJiT5h5Dp2

Jan 3, 2023, 19 tweets

🥶January Unlocks
In bull market we follow IDO, in Bear Market we follow Unlock Schedule
l have sorted them by market cap + did a Cliff amount/marketcap for your reference.
link to excel in the end


@BoredApeYC $ape
2.03% [cliff amount/mcap]
The unlock tokens are going towards the treasury.

Haven't been following the ape staking very closely

@AxieInfinity $axs
#safu ish
4.28% [cliff amount/mcap]
The unlock tokens are going towards staking reward.

i miss the good old days in breeding, trading nfts and playing the game. Their land play just launched and review seems not bad!
i don't hold any anymore🥲

@Aptos_Network $apt
#safu ish
3.49% [cliff amount/mcap]
The unlock tokens are going towards Foundation & Community

i was sour i missed the airdrop hence i don't follow the aptos news.

@BitDAO_Official $bit
no comment
17.42% [cliff amount/mcap]
all tokens are going to @Bybit_Official

@Immutable $imx
#safu ish
2.35% [cliff amount/mcap]
all tokens are going to Project Development & Private Sales

@illuviumio @GuildOfGuardian @PlayEmberSword

no comment
4.02% [cliff amount/mcap]
tokens going to Safety Module, Liquiidity Module, Liquidity provider Rewards.

I like perps & syn tbh, but dydx token inflation is really high + another unlock is coming in 30days rip.
How much protocol value does the token capture?

@MoonbeamNetwork $GLMR
9.42% [cliff amount/mcap]
tokens going to Founders & Early Empolyees, Future, Seed Funding, Key Partners & Advisors, PureStake Early Backers.

I enjoyed some of the early farms of moonbeam, then lost a lot of it to ftx ❤️

@AcalaNetwork $ACA
no idea
0.82% [cliff amount/mcap]

token going to crowdloan participants
Never user or research into it. shill me if its cool

@eulerfinance $EUL
0.58% [cliff amount/mcap]

token going to community selected markets
I like protocol design, isolated lending pool by tiers. Right risk & reward for lender & borrower

@Galxe $gal
1.31% [cliff amount/mcap]

Token going towards Team & Public sale
Good job for the team, kept building, gud BD & delivering @Quest3_xyz is interesting too!

@Ronin_Network $ron
28.85% [cliff amount/mcap]

Token going to community, staking reward, sky mavis and eco system fund.

I always have love for sky mavis, but short term winnie the pool

@Sweatcoin $sweat
8.99% [cliff amount/mcap]

Token going to Foundation and Airdrop

i am fat i don't run i don't follow

8.97% [cliff amount/mcap]

Token going to community, treasury, founders, investor, advisors

gaming guild as gamefi investors/famers, game user acquisition tool or tutorial is a hard business to be in right now.

@nymproject $nym
18.03% [cliff amount/mcap]

token going to reserve & community

small cap, not sure where can you leverage X

no comment
11.59% [cliff amount/mcap]

token going to team and investors and governance

Thank you @Token_Unlocks amazing tool

new year new me, lets see how long can i keep writing content this time

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