The Leninist Lawyer☭📕🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇵🇸🇨🇺 Profile picture
Law is sacred to the bourgeois, for it is his own composition, enacted with his consent, and for his benefit and protection~Friedrich Engels Atl: @MarxistLaw

Jan 3, 2023, 15 tweets

I had the privilege of studying historical preservation in Cuba for three weeks. These weeks had a profound impact on my political and philosophical life journey so far. I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for a thread on this so here we go:

I went to Cuba in 2019, right after the Constitutional Referendum. I immediately saw and knew I was in an amazing place. I went with a group of 20 others through university exchange and were given free range throughout Havana at all hours, but had to attend classes.

The classes were extremely interesting. The Cuban people are dedicated to preserving the evidence of the Revolution. If you ask any Cuban, they will tell you that the Revolution is still on going due to the embargo. They even preserve the bullet holes to show what it took.

For the first two weeks I was in Havana. The classes were short and allowed some of us to wander and or go with a tour guide to see what the Cuban people find important. We visited a hospital, a nursing/elder care facility, and the literacy campaign headquarters.

The Headquarters of the Literacy Program was amazing. The lovely woman who talked to us was an original member of the literacy campaign and talked with dedication to the struggle of educating an entire country, but always framed it from the view of the Revolution and Fidel.

The nursing facility was the most moving thing I saw. It brought me to tears. Elder care facilities are made into public parks cafes, games, green space, and full medical facilities including ocular and dental. I saw residence happy where in US it is misery.

In addition to seeing examples of the governments care for its people, I was allowed to wander in Havana at any time. This meant I found some amazing things to show the vibrancy of the life of people in Cuba. I went to restaurants (state owned and private) and art exhibitions.

The art exhibits had so many varieties of art being displayed. A band from from Korea was performing (pretty sure 🇰🇵) and an art piece that moved me immensely. It is a photo of a black woman with scar like tattoos all over her body of the blueprints of how to stack slave ships.…

I spent the last portion of my time in Cienfuegos and Trinidad. This was for a fun experience as it is a tourist spot for Cubans. I met a lovely comrade who told me he helped in the Revolution and that he was now 98 years old. He put his hat on my head. I nearly cried.…

I love Cuba. The kindness, the beauty of the society, the people, and the overwhelming dedication to their sovereignty and the Revolution. With all of these lovely pictures lies a sad truth, Cuba is and has been economically disadvantaged directly due to the U.S. embargo.

We met with government representatives who expressed the desperate need for the supplies to improve infrastructure, living standards, and improved water facilities. With what they have they have done what could be have been considered impossible.

Here are a few other photos of cool stuff like Playa Girón, the remains of a sugar plantation shut down by Castro and the Communist government and some lovely nature shots. I will post more photos periodically and would love to answer any questions in comments or DM’s.

Viva Fidel! Viva la Revolución! Partió o Muerte! Jul 26! Viva Cuba!
#vivafidel #vivalarevolución #partioomuerte #jul26 #Cuba

Also, if anyone wants more details about certain aspects of the country and if I can help. I am NOT a Cuba expert, but I did dedicate a large portion of my time talking to the people and asking their perspective.

Additionally, for information on how to go to Cuba… DM

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