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when reality hurts too much, sometimes it's okay to live in the dreams for awhile.. reading list: https://t.co/0uzgHiL5DR

Jan 4, 2023, 17 tweets

on my table
— a #jeongcheol fewtweets au

📌 this is a work of fiction
⏳️ timestamps matter unless specifically stated before
⚠️ profanities, implied nsfw🔞, work stress, dry humor, awkwardness


i. had enough

ii. third in half a year

iii. a little dramatic

iv. the perfect candidate

v. hours later

vi. trust me, he said

vii. enjoy the food🤩

viii. far from bad..

ix. the next morning

x. after the interview

xi. it went a bit like this

xii. and this

— end!

bonus: the other side's pov ft. our wingman mr. høng

— end, for real now!

thanks for reading! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡

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