Angela Nikolau 🍌 Profile picture
🤸🏻‍♂️That roofer girl from the Netflix movie 🌆 NFT to support me // Enjoy🫶

Jan 4, 2023, 11 tweets

⚡️The time has come and I'd love to share the giga story how I climbed the incredible Merdeka 118⚡️

Couldn't help adding @steveaoki music here as it was playing in my head when I was standing on top of the world.
Feel the dizziness of being there with me

Back to the story👇

1/ I fell in love with the Merdeka 118 Tower the moment I saw it. I felt an instant spiritual connection. Such a majestic building in the middle of an amazing city - I had to discover and share the views with others.


2/ I rented an apartment with a good view on the tower so I could conduct survelliance of the building - I spent several weeks finding out important details I needed to know before going there.


3/ Day X - I started the mission. I was wearing a hijab, glasses and a builder's uniform to look as unnoticeable as possible. I ran the first 32 floors and got overheated. I had to lie down on the concrete floor naked to cool down a little bit. I drank all the water I had.


4/ At the moment I relaxed I realised I got detected! You should see the look on my face😅
And then the nightmare began. I found shelter in a small concrete box where I could not even stretch my legs. I didn't know then I'd have to spend more than 20 hours there!


5/ This is me 25 hours later. I had no food, no water and no sleep. I couldn't stretch my legs and my whole body was stiff and aching. I couln't even cry because the workers were right next to me and they could hear my sobs and hand me over to security. Worst time of my life

6/ 3 hours later I thought that if I didn't start moving, I'd be too weak to finish the mission. I needed to brace myself and start doing something. Luckily the workers had a break and I could come out and run to the spire! This is me standing inside the spire.


7/ The spire itself was 53 floors high - and I was wearing a 15 kg backpack. If you look at the previous photo, you won't even see the bottom. I'm not sure I'd climb it if I knew how high it was. After I finished climbing, I did not feel my arms and could not lift them😅


8/ My spirits rose when I saw the view! It was raining season so I expected milky clouds and a grey landscape. Instead I saw rays of sunshine and incredible beauty😍

It was my personal miracle. I felt wake and powerful again. It was all worth it!


9/ The climb was the hardest one of my life and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it again. But the beauty I saw and could capture and share with you is incredible. I will be dropping an NFT dedicated to Merdeka tomorrow - I want someone else to own this achievement too❤️

10/ I respect laws of every country. Even what I do is trespassing sometimes, I took special care not to cause any damage to anything, which other roofers sometimes do. My goal is to create memorable art by capturing the moments of world’s tallest buildings.

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