Cathy Russon Profile picture
Managing Editor at Law&Crime. Opinions are my own.

Jan 4, 2023, 10 tweets

Jeffery Williams aka #YoungThug enters court on day 1 of jury selection. Stay here for updates throughout the day.


14 of the original 28 defendants are on trial beginning with jury selection today. #YoungThug

Defendant Shannon Stillwell aka Shannon Jackson aka SB's attorney lets the judge know that his name card states Shannon "Jackson" and not Stillwell. Judge said they'll have it fixed by tomorrow.

Day 1 jury selection (today) will ONLY consist of Group 1 of potential jurors watching a pre-recorded video of the judge reading the (lengthy) indictment. Group 1 will then fill out the jury questionnaire and be asked to return Mon., Jan 9 for hardship questioning. #YoungThug

Judge says it will take almost 4 hours to give potential jurors some initial instructions and have them watch the video of him reading the indictment.....FOUR HOURS... yikes. #YoungThug

Everyone has moved upstairs where panel 1 of potential jurors will be brought in to watch the almost 4 hour video.

#YoungThug #JurySelection

Jeffery Wiliams and co-defendants stand as the first group of potential jurors enter. #YoungThug

Fulton County Superior Court Chief Judge Ural D. Glanville enters the court where the first panel of potential jurors await. Glanville is an Army veteran, former prosecutor w/DeKalb Co & Fulton Co. and former defense attorney.

Judge Glanville addresses 1st panel of potential jurors. He lets jurors know that he received his own jury summons for Jan. 12th. (I think he'll be dismissed....)
"The U.S. flag that's behind me is the biggest representation of our responsibility to serve as jurors."

Potential jurors begin to watch the (long) video. Judge Glanville begins by introducing the attorneys.


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