Mal_Torres Profile picture
Texan from Bama, USAF Ret, disabled vet, LOCD Chair #CommonDefense #DemCast

Jan 5, 2023, 9 tweets

Shilling for the Kev is Rep James
R-MI with opening nomination.


Rep Bishop R-NC nominating Donalds from FL as #NotKev

Rep Cloud R-TX27 was the 5th #NotKev on the this round.

23 members were not on the floor at the start.

Waiting 😂

Round 8
Rep Mast R-FL getting misty nominates McCarthy.

212 Democrats have united to vote for Rep Jeffries. Rep Clark D-MA nominates him for an 8th round.

#DemCast #DemsInArray

#NotKev wing has the US going for a 9th round. 😂😂😂😂


Does this mean Rep Jeffries has the most unanimous votes for Speaker, at 1696 after 8 rounds?

#NotKev #DemocratsInArray

Rep Nehls on the Kev Train
Rep Lieu nominating Jeffries

Round 9 has started.

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