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Jan 5, 2023, 23 tweets

War has broken out between Mexican Defense Forces and the Sinaloa Cartel in Culiacan in response to the arrest of El Chapo’s son.

More footage will be added in the thread below as it emerges.

Cartel members fire on plane trying to take off as passengers take cover.

Children armed.

Chaos in the streets.

Mexican Air Force helicopters engage residential areas containing cartel members.

Sinaloa Cartel members preparing to fight.

Mexican Army ambushed in Tamaulipas.

Cartel members firing a Barrett M82A1 anti-materiel rifle at Mexican Air Force planes leaving the runway.

A prison break occurring at Culiacan Jail.

Sicarios kidnapping doctors and nurses from a hospital to serve as medics for wounded cartel members.

Supply lines being ambushed.

Drone footage of Culiacan.

Nights falls, cities burn.

House to house raids tonight.

Mexican National Guard fighting.

Aftermath of a shootout between the Mexican Army and Sicarios.

Shootout at a checkpoint in Culiacan.

Mexican Air Force firing an M134 at a cartel convoy.

It is impossible to know what Mexico would be like had it not been for US involvement. What we do know is that their country is clearly worse now because the CIA deliberately armed and empowered Mexican cartels in an effort to amplify the crack epidemic our country.

This cycle of violence will continue as long as governments insist on waging the long-failed Drug War. The only way to truly stop the cartels is to legalize all drugs & let market competition put them out of business. Also, end all gun control so civilians can defend themselves.

Decades of prohibition pushing the drug trade et al into the criminal sector resulted in these paramilitary gangs running harder, more dangerous drugs like Fentanyl. As Milton Friedman observed, economically speaking, the drug war protects the cartels' interests. It needs to end.

Further US escalation including execution & military action, as Trump and other right-wingers advocate, won't help as the terror wars demonstrate. Setting aside the issues of big gov, even if many drug dealers are taken out, economic incentives ensure others will take their place

To reverse the economic incentives which empower militarized cartels & lead to harder, more dangerous drugs like Fentanyl, we must #EndTheDrugWar. Violent suppression is not just counterproductive, but unjust. Addicts have agency & the drug trade per say isn't a rights violation.

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