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Jan 5, 2023, 9 tweets

Benedict XVI's official words at the Park East Synagogue in 2008 (from the ACTA APOSTOLICAE SEDIS)

Highlights of the NY Times report of the synagogue visit nyti.ms/2raiOEr

The replica of the Jewish medieval legal manuscript (circa 1435) Benedict XVI gave to Rabbi Arthur Schneier.

Benedict XVI receiving a Passover (Seder) Plate from Rabbi Arthur Schneier.

Benedict XVI received a box of unleavened matzo bread and a copy of the anti-Christian Passover (Seder) Haggadah text from Schneier's two grand-children: Russell Rutter and Lindsay Dresbach. reut.rs/2Lf0DEp

Upon receiving the matzo bread, Benedict XVI told the two in a low voice with a chuckle, “I will eat it tomorrow evening!” Rabbi Schneier repeated this to the audience who broke out in laughter.

Benedict offers ‘shalom’ during synagogue visit jhsnj-archives.org/?a=d&d=A200804…

Pope's visit draws praise, though concerns remain

Benedict the Zionist Crusader, “paid a 22-minute visit to the Park East Synagogue”


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