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Hunting Insurrectionists • Synchronizing video of the #CapitolRiots • Videos ⤵ &

Jan 6, 2023, 10 tweets

1/ #NeverForgetJanuary6th
First breach on the West side of the Capitol
12:53 - 1:16 pm

Second breach leading into the West plaza
1:10 - 1:40 pm

The Scaffold in the West plaza is over run
1:50 - 2:13 pm

The Capitol is breached and Eugene Goodman holds off the crowd by leading them in the wrong direction
2:11 - 2:16 pm

On the East side the Police line is over run from the North
1:55 - 2:00 pm

East side breach begins after the crowd from the North arrives
1:58 - 4:45 pm

An inside view of the East doors as they are breached
2:24 - 2:39 pm

Back on the West side the police line is split in half and the crowd pushes to the East side of the Capitol following Alex Jones and others
2:10 - 2:15 pm

The West plaza / tunnel fight continues on for hours
2:27 - 5:06 pm

Inside the crowd fights with the police as they are ejected from the Capitol
3:03 - 3:36 pm

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