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Jan 6, 2023, 10 tweets

Watch LIVE | #TheBigFight: Road To 2024 Via Ram Mandir?


#TheBigFight | Mahesh Verma, BJP leader, on Amit Shah saying that Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be ready on January 1, 2024

#TheBigFight | Ajay Gautam, founder, humhindu.com, on Amit Shah saying that Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be ready on January 1, 2024

#TheBigFight | "The issues need to be addressed and an agenda for the country needs to be made": Sudhindra Bhadoria (@SudhinBhadoria), BSP leader, when asked whether the opening of the Ram mandir is being used for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

#TheBigFight | Senior journalist Arati R Jerath on Amit Shah saying that Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be ready on January 1, 2024

#TheBigFight | Vivek Silas, national spokesperson of Samajwadi party, when asked whether the opening of the Ram mandir is being used for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

#TheBigFight | Nilofar Suhrawardy, senior journalist, on Amit Shah saying that Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be ready on January 1, 2024

#TheBigFight | Desh Ratan Nigam, political analyst (BJP supporter), on Amit Shah saying that Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be ready on January 1, 2024

#TheBigFight | Tavleen Singh (@tavleen_singh), senior journalist, when asked whether the opening of the Ram mandir is being used for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

#TheBigFight | Yogendra Yadav (@_YogendraYadav), member and former President of Swaraj India, when asked whether the opening of the Ram Temple is being used for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls

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