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Jan 6, 2023, 6 tweets

Presenting: INSIDE TRAX.

A weekly content series where we unravel the stories behind some of our favourite projects.

This week we spotlight TRAX’s Early Bird @braceish and his 2022 project: "Reference Point".

A big thank you to brace himself for providing the Inside TRAX! 🧵

brace (@braceish) an American hip hop producer/rapper released his compilation project “Reference Point” to Soundcloud in December 2022.

Intriguingly it’s neither an EP, Album or Mixtape.

It’s a living and breathing set-list.

brace describes developing Reference Point and his diverse, genre-blending live set at UVR #ArtBasel Miami.

Why let 7 tracks exist in the world, "unfinished and unmastered"?

As a living breathing project, @braceish successfully captures a point in time or “Reference Point” -collating a spur of the moment expression of the best-of brace both as a producer and as a rapper.

Watch this👇

One of brace’s biggest inspirations, Ye - similarly released both Donda and Donda 2 following live listening parties.

Watch brace breakdown the hectic nature of bringing unreleased music to a live event like #artbasel and on his ongoing collaboration with @OPNBRDRS collective.

Make sure to keep on the lookout for @braceish upcoming 2023 project. I know the team over here at @onlyontrax can’t wait to see what he’s going to be cooking up next.

Link to listen to “Reference Point” below!


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