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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 7, 2023, 12 tweets

The BJP has become obsessed with #RahulGandhi. & it’s one of a sickening kind. & an entire machinery is deployed with all its might to tarnish One Man. Let that sink in. One Man, not a religion, not a political belief, not a country, just One Man! How much are they scared of 1/n

Rahul Gandhi? The Nazis went after the Jews, the BJP went after Muslims, the North Koreans went after the rest of the world but rarely has one man rattled a govt so much ever the way Rahul Gandhi has done to the BJP ruled central government. Why, shouldn’t you ask even if you 2/n

happen to be a BJP supporter? Congress after all (according to the BJP) has become irrelevant. Are they scared of a congress revival? Are they scared of Rahul Gandhi talking to you directly like Modi has never been able to do. Let’s talk about RG. Let me ask you all that you 3/n

know of the man you despise so much. You may start off with Pappu, or show me some of the goofups. Perhaps you may want to talk about his electoral defeat in Amethi or some will go with the now familiar Piddi joke. You’ve been fed enough vile to defame a lifetime of heroes 4/n

only on One Man, Rahul Gandhi. Back in the early years of millennium, a family friend connected with the Sangh showed me a pamphlet of how RG planned to land at Amethi with 2,000 Columbia’s girls to destroy Indian culture. & he was (is) a very decent man. That’s the 5/n

Banality of Evil that Hannah Arendt spoke about. You’ve believed what you’ve been fed incessantly & you’ve believed in good faith. Now question that faith. Look at the #BharatJodoYatra‌. Rahul Gandhi braved the cold in winters. You know that’s inspiring, super-human 6/n

Instead you try to look into what is beneath, you try to laugh at ganja jokes. A few years back another leader was jumping over crocodiles in the pond during his diaper days & you lapped it up with delight. You’re the same person, you believe too readily because you trust 7/n

someone with all your faith. It’s a dangerous thing. Remember what the Pied Piper did to all those mice? Coming back to Rahul & #bharatjodoyatra. Every person who has joined him has been labelled anti-national. This includes a former governor of RBI & a former RAW Chief. 8/n

You can question Raghuram Rajan & A S Dulat but to call them Gaddar because they speak against the government is not what you should fall into. Instead you need to question the govt on why is it so obsessed with defaming Rahul Gandhi. More so you should question YOURSELF 9/n

Till when will you continue to eat this garbage of lies they tell you about Rahul Gandhi. He is walking defiantly & he is walking without fear. Perhaps you do not see him as a leader but you should respect that he is walking to make the government accountable. 10/n

All by himself, Rahul Gandhi has rattled a dictator so much so that his ministers, his media, his publicity team all of them have turned to firing missiles at Rahul Gandhi. I thought Indians loved an underdog, but you still consider Modi to be a humble chai-wala & 11/n

Rahul to be a pampered dynast. So much has changed in 8yrs but you’ve failed to look beyond the stories. You’ve failed to see the obsession of a megalomaniac but you can definitely see Rahul walking. Trust me that man will one day walk into your hearts ❤️ 12/12

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