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Jan 7, 2023, 6 tweets

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on China's economic performance.

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The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on the global economic growth rate.

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The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on global inflation.

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The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on the US dollar's performance in 2023.


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The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on his idea of an ideal national budget.


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The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Ruchir Sharma, Founder of Breakout Capital and Chairman of Rockefeller International, on the possibility of a recession this year.


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