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Jan 7, 2023, 10 tweets

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | The long grind ahead: What are the implications for India?


Watch Ruchir Sharma and Prannoy Roy in conversation LIVE: ndtv.com/live

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | India has some of the cheapest cities in the world. On the other hand, US cities are among the most expensive in the world.


Watch Ruchir Sharma and Prannoy Roy in conversation LIVE: ndtv.com/live

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | How has the US stock market fared compared to the rest of the world?


Watch LIVE: ndtv.com/live

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | The world may see a slowdown in tech companies in 2023


Watch LIVE: ndtv.com/live

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | After losses, major cutback on new TV series being commissioned


Watch LIVE: ndtv.com/live

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | Japan's economic comeback is worth noting


Highlights: ndtv.com/india-news/pra…

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | As labour costs increase in China, other Asian countries have an advantage.


Highlights: ndtv.com/india-news/pra…

The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | The rise of fiscal orthodoxy needs to be watched out in 2023

Highlights: ndtv.com/india-news/pra…


The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | In 2023, for the first time in a century, not a single G7 country is going to polls.

Highlights: ndtv.com/india-news/pra…


The Top 10 Trends of 2023 | In times of gloom, people may look for 'blue birds' events. Ruchir Sharma explains

Highlights: ndtv.com/india-news/pra…


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