Christopher Tackett (cjtackett on 🦋 &🧵) Profile picture
Dad, husband, former school board trustee. If you aren’t following @mentack, you are only getting half the story.

Jan 7, 2023, 5 tweets

At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, I talked about the money, ideology, cannonballs into the deep end, and ripples that come from it. (1.1) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks

At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, this clip is where I delved into the cannonball and specific ripples. (1.2) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks

At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, it’s Patriot Mobile time. With a lot of money. Going after school boards. (2.1) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks

At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, it’s Patriot Mobile time. With a lot of money. Going after school boards. (2.2) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks

At the Extremism’s Impact On Public Education forum, hosted by @indivisibletx24, in this last clip I focus on what’s coming in May. (2.3) #WhiteChrisitanNationalism #publiceducation #bannedbooks

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