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Jan 7, 2023, 19 tweets

If Darragh MacAnthony was on Would I Lie To You: A Thread


I once employed, parted company with, and re-employed the same man, to do the same job, four times.

You, fired someone, three times, and then brought them back in to the same job?

'Parted Company.' Yes, but there was good reason for bringing him back each time.

Okay, let's go, let's hear the reasons.

Okay, well, he's qualified, and he lives locally.

So you've let him go three times, and brought him back, because he lives locally? Why didn't it work out the first 'three' times?

Because he wasn't good enough, it wasn't working.

So you've parted ways three times, because he wasn't good enough, but rehired him a 4th time because he lives round the corner?

In short, yes, and because he's qualified and a good choice.

He's a good choice, but has left three times previously because he wasn't good enough? Is there no one else who might be as qualified, or more qualified that would want the job?

Maybe but it's a difficult time to try and get them.

Maybe hold your watch up to the mirror; have some time for reflection.

So David's team, what are you saying? Did he 'part company' and re-employ the same person, for the same job for a fourth time?

Nah, bruv, I'm not having it, no way does man rehire the same guy, for the same thing, four times. That's just ridiculous, like letting your missus cheat then having her back, it feels dirty.

Okay, so Narstie thinks lie. And Prue you agree yeah?

We're gonna go 'lie.'

It is in fact TRUE!

That's right, its TRUE. He did in-fact re-employ the same person, to do the same job for a fourth time.

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