Illinois Families for Public Schools Profile picture
Grassroots, non-profit 501c4 advocacy org representing the interests of Illinois pro-public school families. |

Jan 7, 2023, 11 tweets

IL public schools can't discriminate on the basis of religion, but via the Invest in Kids voucher program, public $$ are funding religious schools. Public funds should be for public schools that serve all children & families no matter their religion. #SunsetInvestInKids

St. Catherine Labouré School, Glenview IL
Family Handbook

Timothy Christian, Elmhurst, IL
Webpage: weekly Chapel

Ascension School, Oak Park IL
Webpage: Sacramental Preparation


Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov, Chicago IL
Parent/Student Handbook

Westlake Christian Academy, Grayslake IL
Parent-Student Handbook

Trinity Christian School, Shorewood IL

Fenwick High School, Oak Park IL
Course Selection Guide


You'll find the sources of all these examples here:…

A quick action you can take to help push for the end to the Invest in Kids voucher program -- write to your state legislators:…

More examples of how the Invest in Kids voucher program funds discrimination not just on the basis of religion but also disability status, LGBTQ+ status and more:…

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