Donald Bubbins Fraser Profile picture
Once supporter of Netrunner in NZ & creator of a Winnitron. Now just a guy that makes good burgers & maybe a game for the Playdate.

Jan 7, 2023, 6 tweets

Few little adventures in day 3.

Started the day by checking out Sensō-ji temple.

The oldest temple in Tokyo and it’s in such amazing shape!

The scale of these buildings was really impressive. The curves and murals. The photos don’t do it justice

On the way back home, we went to the kitchen district in Asakusa to buy some knives.
Rach did a bit of reading up and found that Kamata was the place to go. I didn’t get a photo but the store was very humble with a stone wheel spinning away. Mr Kamata then engraved them for us.

(We got the two outside knives and the cleaver)

In the evening we went to a fun Yakitori place in Shinjuku. Boy it cheap. Everything was 350 yen. $4.20 NZD, $2.60 USD. Really tasty!

And finally, we ended the night at Golden Gai. A few blocks of snug little bars that only sit 4-7 people. Alley ways are tight. Some bars are weird, one just had a cool bar tender playing guitar and smoking. Most have a cover charge to come in. Some where members only.

All in all it was a lot of cool vibes and a fun way to end our last full day in Tokyo.

The bar tender in our second stop asked us where we were from then went on to tell us he was in a shapeshifter video some years back (A drum and bass band from NZ)

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