ei-san 🫧 Profile picture
alam kong cringe ako, wag niyo na sabihin :P https://t.co/fMaPt3PvuB

Jan 8, 2023, 29 tweets

“unconsciously projecting”
— a #heejake au wherein:

jake lives a double life. on one side he's a worldwide famous idol, on the other he's a passionate jaywon fanfic writer. pero saan nga ba niya kinukuha ang mga pa-kilig niya kung never pa siyang nagka-jowa? enter, heeseung lee.

📱 heejake filo au
📱 side #jaywon
📱 short/mini
📱 not entirely canon accurate

📱 events written are fictionalized and the author is not, in any manner or way, affiliated with the group.
📱 any actions taken by the characters here do not reflect who they are in their personal life.
📱 this story does not mean to offend or do ill to anyone.


1 | shroompie

2 | disclaimer: please note that these are falsified comments and that they do not mean to offend or do ill to anyone involved

3 | mga faney

4 | enter ikeu!

5 | mga lamentations ni ikeu

6 | hell month. parang iskool lang ueueue

7 | desperado siya ihh

8 | ay kaya pala HUHUHU

9 | disgrace
— cut! curiouscat.me/eimcizi

10 | enter gc! (guys sobrang tanga ko talaga sa numbering kanina so i'm reuploading 😭😭😭)

11 | forda panic

12 | forda passionate jaywon writer

13 | enter, unknowing muse!

14 | luh ka there sobrang praise

15 | titœ


17 | pabili — pagift

18 | lika kwarto, laro (proceeds to CHOKE)

19 | na-inspire at kinilig na di pa niya knows ang deeper meaning

20 | drabble

21 | babygirl caught off guard


23 | wawa naman borta babe HUAHUAHUA

24 | ahem AHEM

25 | jaywon > career forda truth HHAHAHAHASKFKSKF

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