Katya Varbanova (Katya.com) Profile picture
CEO @ Viral Marketing Stars® | 20,000+ customers - For press inquiries about business, PR, marketing & branding, email hello@katya.com

Jan 8, 2023, 20 tweets

I am mindblown.🤯I asked #ChatGPT to act like my project manager for a brand new product launch (e.g. online course), so I can stay organized and be productive. Here are the prompts I used and the results [A thread]. 👇 #chatgpt3 #openai #OpenAIChatGPT

1/ Write me a high level project plan for creating and launching a new [digital course].

You can replace [digital course] with whatever your product is of course.

2/ Can you create me a folder structure to keep all assets related to this project plan. How would it look like?

I asked this question because I want to be organized with all the information I'd be collecting throughout this experiment.

<Sidenote: Next up, I am going to ask it to break down every single element so it helps me get it done>. Starting with the target audience profiles....

3/ Can you give me a template for creating target audience profiles?

4/ Can you give me a template to help me conduct market research?

5/ Could you create a one sheet template for me with what key information I need to add in it from my market research findings so I have everything organized and easy to use

6/ Can you help me create a one page outline for my Course goals and objectives so I can get those populated

7/ Can you give me an example outline for any course on any topic?

<this one is long, so open it up>

8/ Can you give me a checklist of all the Course materials I'll need to create. What type of images, videos, audios and PDFs will I need?

9/ Can you give me a template for a Test group sign-up sheet

10/ Can you give me a template for the Test group feedback form

11/ Can you give me a list of Course promotional images I may need to market my course?

12/ Can you give me a list of all the Social media posts I will need to market my course successfully. Act like a marketing manager and direct me.

13/ Can you give me a social media post example for each of these types of social media post ideas?

14/ Now, can you give me a list of 10 email ideas in a sequence that can help me warm up my audience before the course is announced. The goal is to create anticipation so that by the time I introduce the course, people are ready to buy it.

15/ Can you give me a list of 10 email ideas in a sequence that can help me launch and sell my course?

16/ Can you give me a list of analytics and metrics I should be tracking during my launch?

17/ Do you have any more tips for me for generating buzz before my course launch?

18/ Of course, you'll have to go through the answers and adjust them to your liking but if you do it in this order - you'll remain organized which will remove any overwhelm that may prevent you from getting it done!

And finally....

19/ If you found this thread useful, please share it 💖

P.S. I've been creating and selling digital products since 2015 and was recently featured on Business Insider for selling $1m+ in Canva templates alone! You can see my work at katya.com #chatgpt #chatgpt3

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