carlos barsallo Profile picture
Abogado. Lawyer.

Jan 9, 2023, 6 tweets

1/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

2/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

3/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

4/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

5/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

6/6 Not so black and white: Ambiguities of the #FAFT grey list. School of International Service American University Spring 2021. Case: #Panama. #GAFI

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