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Jan 11, 2023, 7 tweets

CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla wrote a book called Moonshot will share some interesting parts.

Slogan they pushed for their rushed vaccine #ScienceWillWin

Bourla describes being very impressed by VP Pence, in contrast to Trump who he states he didn't trust and was not in contact.

Pfizer's rushed vaccine project called "Light Speed" not directly tied to Trump's "Warp Speed." Hmm

In each vial was it 6 or 7 doses?

Dr. Bourla answers 6.6

Edit by The Karen Archipelago

Special needles?

Ultra cold, freezer farms, dry ice, specifically -70 degrees colder than Antarctica

Dr. Bourla the Pfizer CEO with President Biden both masked.

Strange use of the word "molten" right before epilogue. This word in Hebrew can mean mask and...
Molten/molded like golden calf in Exodus which prompted Moses to smash the law.
biblehub.com/interlinear/ex… is masking part of a ritual?

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