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Jan 11, 2023, 11 tweets

Edith Head 1897 –1981 was an American costume designer who won a record eight Academy Awards for Best Costume Design making her the most awarded woMAN in the Academy's history.

Edith's male gait proves she is a HE!
In the club too!

Known as "the dress doctor", Edith is one of the fashion designer icons of cinema and her designs have left us with some formidable iconic images of woMEN on screen.

You need an MTF to design costumes for MTF celebs.

We are told Edith took up art purely by chance but as we know you can't become rich & famous through talent. Edith was born into the #EGI club.

Bette-Davies' evening-dress as worn in film, All About Eve. Marilyn Monroe makes her 1st appearance in wearing a gown designed by Head

Dorothy Lamour appeared swathed in beautiful Edith Head creations in all of the famous Road movies.

Liz Taylor dress by Edith Head as worn in the film
'A Place in the Sun'

Edith Head Green Eau De Nil suit worn by Grace Kelly in 'Rear Window'

The iconic grey suit from the film Vertigo.

She “understood the transformative power of clothing,” said costume designer Helen Huang.

A publicity shot of Grace Kelly for the movie, Rear Window, wearing an Edith Head designed dress. A sketch of the dress is below.

Edith Head caught walking with a male gait reflected in a mirror.

Oscar-winning costume designer Edith Head is featured in this 1950 documentary short film

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