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Jan 13, 2023, 40 tweets

THREAD🚨 #SuddenlyCollapsed

Why are so many professional athletes and public figures collapsing live on televisionâť“

•Damar Hamlin
•Sergio Aguero
•Jessica Robb
•Victor Lindelöf
•Heather McDonald
•Samuel Kalu

Here are 40+ sudden collapses since Jan. 2021:

#1 The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic.

Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.

#2 Ed Dowd (@DowdEdward), a former Blackrock portfolio manager and author of the new best-seller Cause Unknown:

"A 40% increase in deaths is earth-shaking. Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40%."


#3 The Society of Actuaries Research Institute published its COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report.

Q3 2021:
•25-34: 181%
•34-44: 217%
•45-54: 208%
•55-64: 170%

Excess deaths increased (red & orange) as the Biden administration and corporations enforced vaccine mandates.

#4 This increase in the death rate of working-age people also appears in the CDC's Mortality database.

@DowdEdward: "From Feb. 2021 to Mar. 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam war, with more than 60,000 excess deaths."


#5 The excess death rate of working-age people also increased in these European nations after mRNA vaccines were introduced:



#6 As previously documented, Pfizer has habitually engaged in illegal marketing practices, bribed physicians, and manipulated studies.

Their Covid-19 trial also shows an *INCREASED* risk of illness & death in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo.

#7 If the healthiest among us are suddenly collapsing, what would that mean for the rest of the populationâť“

Florian Dagoury, the world's top static breath-hold freediver, was diagnosed with myocarditis after the Pfizer mRNA shot.


#8 Professional mountain biker, Kyle Warner, was diagnosed with pericarditis after receiving the Pfizer shot.


#9 In Nov. 2021, professional football player Emil Palsson, 28, collapsed on the field and suffered a heart attack during a match in Norway.


#10 In Sept. 2021, professional football player Wessam Abou Ali, 22, collapsed on the field, had a seizure, and was rushed to the hospital.


#11 In May 2022, undefeated boxer Musa Askan Yamak, 38, collapsed and died in the middle of the ring during a fight in Munich.

#12 In Dec. 2021, Algerian football player Sofiane Lokar, 30, collapsed on the field and died of a heart attack.


#13 In Jan. 2022, Mali star Ousmane Coulibaly, 32, suffered a heart attack on the pitch and was given emergency medical attention as the match was abandoned.


#14 In Oct. 2021, FC Barcelona star Sergio Aguero, 33, collapsed on the field due to chest pain and breathing issues that have since forced him to retire.

#15 In Dec. 2021, Manchester United defender Victor Lindelöf, 28, struggled to breathe, pointed to his heart, and was taken off the field with apparent chest pain.


#16 In Nov. 2021, Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck, 31, collapsed on the field and had to be rushed to the hospital.

He received oxygen for nearly 10 minutes before being taken away in an ambulance.


#17 In Sept. 2021, University of Ottawa defensive lineman Francis Perron, 25, died shortly after a football game.


#18 In Nov. 2021, professional hockey player Boris Sadecky, 24, died after suffering a heart attack during a game in Austria.

Damar Hamlin is one of the hundreds of athletes that collapsed on the field these last two years.


#19 For every athlete who collapses on television, there are potentially thousands that are being harmed.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 3 million Americans have been disabled since Jan. 2021.

This is a breathtaking record increase.


#20 In Mar. 2022, the world's #2 female golfer Nelly Korda, 23, was diagnosed with blood clots.

@DowdEdward documents more than 500 examples of athletes and public figures collapsing and dying in his book.

Tragically, they are the tip of the iceberg.


#21 Onnit CEO @AubreyMarcus on Cause Unknown:

"These are real people. These are not just numbers. Excess deaths are not some statistic alone. Every single point is someone with a life and a history, a mother and a father, and children and friends..."

#22 We are living through the greatest experiment that has ever been performed in the history of medicine...

And it is being performed on human beings.

@P_McCulloughMD @RWMaloneMD @RobertKennedyJr @fynn_fan @stkirsch @GenFlynn @ZubyMusic @ginacarano @RobSchneider @elonmusk

#23 FDA panel member and NEJM editor-in-chief, Dr. Eric Rubin, moments before he voted to approve the Pfizer mRNA shots for children:

"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it — that's just the way it goes."


#24 Oscar Cabrera, 27, a professional basketball player in Spain, collapsed to the floor and began convulsing in Dec. 2021.

#25 Standup comedian Heather McDonald collapsed and fractured her skull during a show in Feb. 2022.

The comedian joked, "I don’t mean to brag, I know you don’t care, but I want you to know, I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and flu shot" moments before collapsing.

#26 Professional soccer player Fabrice N’Sakala, 32, collapsed on the pitch on Aug. 21, 2021.

N’Sakala, who had no history of heart or breathing problems, required extensive treatment on the field before being taken away in an ambulance.


#27 In Aug. 2022, Muhammad Al-Qahtani, a Saudi billionaire residing in the United Arab Emirates, was giving a speech at the Arab-African Conference in Cairo when he suffered a cardiac arrest and died midspeech.


#28 Brazilian anchor Rafael Silva, 36, collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest during a live transmission.

Jan. 2022

#29 Rafael Silva posted "long live the third dose" across his social media pages days before his heart attack.

According to Reuters, "the incident was not related to the vaccine" instead, "it was caused by a newly diagnosed malformation in his heart."

#30 Fun Fact: James C. Smith, CEO of Thomson Reuters and Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, is also a member of Pfizer's Board of Directors.

#31 Eva Holzleitner, an Austrian MP, collapsed in parliament after saying, "mistrust of vaccination is unfounded."

Oct. 2021

Austria mandated forced mRNA shots and scrapped the plan months later, saying, "no one is getting vaccinated because of the compulsory vaccination."

#32 New York City Marathon leader Daniel Do Nascimento collapsed at mile 21 and required medical attention.

Nov. 2022

#33 Cricketer Joshua Downie, 24, brother of British Olympian gymnasts Becky and Ellie, died after suffering a heart attack at practice.

May 2021


#34 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater basketball player Derek Gray, 20, dropped dead at practice from a 'cardiac event.'

July 2022


#35 Omani professional soccer player Mukhaled Al Raqadi, 29, suffered a heart attack and died on the field.

Dec. 2021


#36 A month later, a second Omani professional soccer player Munther Al-Harassi, 30, died following a heart attack on the field.

Jan. 2022


#37 Rugby player Alex Evans, 31, collapsed and died from a heart attack on the field.

Aug. 2021


#38 Mariasofia Paparo, 28, a professional Italian swimmer, died of a heart attack.

April 2022


#39 @DowdEdward: "By showing all of these individual stories... we wanted to put a human face on it and really connect people with what's going on... These are real young people dying in the prime of their life on the field."


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