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Jan 13, 2023, 32 tweets

Aight, who's up for some fun thread abt Fun Vidya Gaems™!!!

Though not a True Hardcore Real Gamer©, I follow some news, I play some — in between power outages and russian missiles, that said.

So yeah, I like games.

You know who else likes games?

Anatoliy Paliy

Anatoliy is a young, cool, hip investor.

His company GEM Capital is a very active market player, investing in key areas of Games & Entertainment, Nanomaterials (very cool!), russian oil & gaREAL ESTATE BOOOORING, back to Fun, Games, YAY

Look, portfolio!

And GEM got truly best of the best among partners.
@mundfish of #AtomicHeart
@OwlcatGames of Pathfinder and W40k Rogue Trader
@Unfrozen_Studio of Iratus
@WeappyStudio of This Is the Police
Even venerable Vik Antonov's new Eschatology Entertainment
Isn't Anatoliy cool? He sure is!

I mean, check it out:
✓ dude gets masters at Lyon 3;
✓ does couple of years at audit/consulting PwC (in Paris!);
✓ then straight to "top mngmnt pos in large corpos" for 10+ years;

and BAM — Top Dog Investor!

Must've been some corpos, amir...ooh

Now hold on. Everyone knows @Gazprom is Russian state oil & gas biz giant, so its child Gazenergoset must be in Russia, too☝️
I thought Anatoliy worked in Paris, at PwC.

Yes he did. For a year. And then a bit more. At Moscow office. Huh.

Weird his GEM page doesn't mention that.

But watevs, guy's a machine!
From an auditor to Deputy General Director in a wink — and for 8 years straight!

Yeah, in a Russian state gas company. Ain't that a large corpo!

But time always comes for a Hero to make his own way.

Come 2013! Onward, to the... oil?

Yes, Anatoliy plunges head first into ru oil biz with 1Oil (as in First Oil, get it?!!)

But oh well, everyone starts somewhere.

His trusty allies: a friend from PwC times Dmitriy Zubatiuk, and a financial investor Mark Garber.

And Garber, I tell you, man's a Rock.

A year prior Mark got his investing firm GHP Group up'n'running, but 2013 doesn't slow him down!

Here comes Mark's new, exciting job, check this: an "independent non-executive director"!

At RusAl.
Of Oleg Deripaska.
You might've heard of Oleg.
He's... yeah.

So, the year our Hip Man goes indy with the help of Mark's money, Mark starts to get paid by Deripaska.

And while Mark exits partnership with Anatoliy in 2015, he sticks with Oleg till 2018 — right up to Oleg being sanctioned by the West head to toes.

Phew, Anatoliy sure dodged a bullet here.

It's not like he put First Oil under GEM, freshly established in 2016.

Yes, he did. He put an oil company potentially raised on Deripaska's money into his shiny nu investment firm.

But oh pfff, Oleg hasn't been sanctioned in 2016.

Okay, everyone earned some bumps when started fresh.

Anatoliy surely learnt from this tiny hiccup AND started the shift to his true passions of Fun & Games.

And in 2019 got rid of First Oil entirely, yaay!

Wait, what's a SIBUR???

Meet Yakov Goldovskiy, THE major player of ru natural resources market — in the 90s.

Turn of the Millenium got rough on Yakov: he got a bit greedy, barked at Gazprom a tad much, and got a lil bit jailed.

But wrote off this thing SIBUR to Gazprom — and started free! In Austria.

So yeah, after failing to cramp all the oil & gas he could reach in his grip under SIBUR, he basically got ousted from Russia, awa ru oil&gas biz.

He still got flex, but until 2019 dipping in oil was a no-no.

Until Anatoliy gave him a new way in.

How lucky for a convicted ex-oil ru player to catch a tram back into this market! Good on Yakov!

But as Yakov knows, there can be too much flex.

And he managed to stay in line: bought some oil from Anatoliy — sold him some Korund-Cian.

Hey, that's gotta be GEM's Nanomaterials!

And how fortunate all this got past Gazprom and ru state, y'know, a system some (NOT me!) might call a lil authoritarian. Awesome!

And how cool that Anatoliy's ex-boss had a position at certain SIBerian-URal smth "around early 2000s"?! Love such cute

Gotta say, to a point, I'd like to be like Anatoliy.

I mean, I got energy, brains, I can do this!

Not exactly sure where to get the money, though. Anatoliy, buddy, got some advice?

VTB?.. Oh, that's a bank, ofc! Sure must be reputa...
Oooh. Oh no, Tolya, no. No!

Anatoliy, my man, we've been through this

It looked shady when GEM *might've* carried some of Deripaska's dirty money

But now, by your own words, GEM *certainly* pushed cash with bad rep ru bank AT LEAST as late as 2021…

I don't know if it's illegal!
Nobody'd ever checked!!!

Oh, oh man
All… all those gamedev studios GEM gave money to

They ALL are now linked to a sanctioned "systemically important" bank of genocidal pseudo-empire

What?? NO you can't ask your ex boss for some of his Gazprom Neft yearly bonus money WTF!!!


Goddammit Tolya, can you even IMAGINE what some Ukrainian can do if they read all this in ru media?!!

Yeah, English sources on you are practically sterilized, but in russian…

Heck, it's practically laid out in a flowchart before their very eyes. It's ridiculous!

Tolya… Tolyan, wake up!

'kay, slept on it, calmed a bit
Y'know what?

It's not that bad imo

First, that sheet couldn't possibly fit ALL of our hustle

Look, our former partner is in the mid of the lawsuit yet untouched, we've just bought us some gas…

And that's just the tip!

On top of that, have you seen the kind of devs we're grooming?

@OwlcatGames CEO worked for Mail Ru, whose founder tried to wiggle his way to Zuckerberg AND Trump's inner circle
@mundfish straight up publishes #AtomicHeart on @Gazprom's platform

These people screw themselves up!

Heck, #AtomicHeart's intl pub @Focus_entmt once tried to just plainly rob Ukrainian studio @Frogwares of their lifetime work


A western publisher who tried to steal Ukrainian IPs now pushes soviet licking ru shtick — all during russian full scale invasion of Ukraine

Any tweet of the above may *sound* like a schizophrenic delirium



So, Anatoliy, don't fret.

Like a smear of slimy goo, GEM Capital stains anything and all it touches across any industry.

But at least GEM's partners remain even worse.

@ZetttTv my struggling friend @shitbullblaze

blocking too fast here can backfire

i.e couldn't catch the contents of your reply, and now it's forever out of my reach behind a faceless glitched notification blip

sure it's smth nice, tho

luv ya too

@mckn_obsrvr and lookie here, @WeappyStudio smm speedster on a roll again

thx for the attention, lads, truly honored

@rootbeardTTV but have at it if you want ofc

this long Paliy interview is a good start, more or less all his history up to 2019 out in the open

always worse

always more…

and more

@TristanJones94 in case someone stumbles onto this thread googling — a pretty good video in English

@TristanJones94 and the most comprehensive one to date, with English subs

been a while

check out the juicy alts👇🤙

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