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Jan 15, 2023, 151 tweets

Tell Me That You’re Still Mine

- avatrice smau -

Tags: Angst, Friend to Enemies to Lovers, University AU


Ava used to be Beatrice’s best friend. Her everything. Before Beatrice got sent away. Before Ava tore their friendship apart. Or, at least, that’s what Bea thinks. Now, 5 years later, Bea and Ava are forced to confront their past when they find themselves sharing a room in uni.

1. time stamps don’t matter
2. this is my first smau so please be patient with me lol
3. like & share as much as you’d like!
4. i will probably have some interactive polls for when i inevitably get writer’s block
5. sexualities & pronouns are my personal interpretation

6. this will be an ANGSTY fic
7. the university is fictional
8. if you liked my tweet about being referenced in the smau & i know you, you probably will be… but prepare to be roasted
9. there will be more ~explicit~ updates that i will couple with a content warning


- she/he
- pansexual
- junior
- art history and sociology double major


- she/they
- lesbian
- junior
- literature and philosophy double major


Ava’s Friend Group
1. Mary
- they/she
- bisexual
- junior
- pre-med and anthropology double major
- has been friends w Ava since sophomore yr of high school

2. JC
- he/him
- bisexual
- junior
- business major
- met Ava first yr of college, now friends w benefits


Ava’s friend group cont’d

3. Mikey
- he/him
- straight 👀🤔
- junior
- business major
- JC’s roommate and teammate. has become close to Mary & Ava through JC


Bea’s Friend Group
1. Lillith
- she/her
- lesbian
- junior
- architecture major with a minor in theology
- Bea’s first friend in boarding school, and best friend ever since


Bea’s Friend Group Cont’d
2. Camila
- they/them
- pansexual
- junior
- film, television, and theatre major
- was in Lillith’s dorm freshman year

3. Yasmine
- she/her
- bisexual
- junior
- chemistry major with a minor in philosophy
- met Bea in a philosophy class


Nordingham University is a prestigious institution in this alternative universe.

(Think Harvard, Trinity, Sapienza, Seoul National, Cambridge, National Uni of Singapore, Peking, U of Toronto, U of Sydney, U of São Paulo, etc.)

8. #SaveWarriorNun

okay y’all this is where we left off last time before i got s-worded

14. #SaveWarriorNun HYMN FOR HER

15. #SaveWarriorNun HYMN FOR HER

16. #SaveWarriorNun HYMN FOR HER

if you’ve ever had a homo erotic friendship you should know that this is the ultimate power move 😎

17. #SaveWarrionNun HYMN FOR HER

18. #SaveWarriorNun

Ava’s profiles from 5 years ago

19. #SaveWarriorNun

Bea’s profiles from 5 years ago

20. Flashback from 5 Years Ago #SaveWarriorNun

21. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

22. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

23. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

24. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

25. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

26. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

27. Flashback from 5 Years Ago cont’d #SaveWarriorNun

28. Flashback from 5 Years Ago #SaveWarriorNun

29. Back to Present Day #SaveWarriorNun

30. #SaveWarriorNun roast

31. #SaveWarriorNun extra posts cuz i skipped yesterday 🤓

32. #SaveWarriorNun y’all ain’t ready for the tinder profiles 😈

33. #SaveWarriorNun intro to the one and only…

34. #SaveWarriorNun for everyone hating on JC, you can thank @sangriafalls for finally knocking him down a peg

35. #SaveWarriorNun hehee

36. #SaveWarriorNun f*ck online dating

38. #SaveWarriorNun awkward matches 😬

39. #SaveWarriorNun as for Ava… @sangriafalls

41. #SaveWarriorNun yuhh kayy’s partyy

42. #SaveWarriorNun stop cuz bea looks so hot

44. #SaveWarriorNun oof

45. #SaveWarriorNun she foineee @sangriafalls

48. #SaveWarriorNun fuckboi beatrice¿

56. #SaveWarriorNun fuck i felt this while writing it

57. #SaveWarriorNun 📖📖

59. #SaveWarriorNun annoying your roommate 👀

62. #SaveWarriorNun five and a half years ago…

63. #SaveWarriorNun five and a half years ago, pt. 2

64. #SaveWarriorNun tsk tsk Camila 🐍 @kidmeep @nlcoIodeon

65. #SaveWarriorNun not the useless gays 😫

66. #SaveWarriorNun sad ava

67. #SaveWarriorNun ⛈️

68. #SaveWarriorNun where’d bea go 👀

69. #SaveWarriorNun sound on for the last clip <3…

70. #SaveWarriorNun olivia bitch gtfooo

71. #SaveWarriorNun Shtoopid Ava

72. #SaveWarriorNun Bea Journaling Era

73. #SaveWarriorNun Ava is out here posting poetry like… girl get tf up

74. #SaveWarriorNun in the meantime …

75. #SaveWarriorNun two kinds of students ig

76. #SaveWarriorNun who is olivia cooke you ask? beatrice’s NOT girlfriend

78. #SaveWarriorNun naurrr

79. #SaveWarriorNun y’all ready for the flashback?

80. #SaveWarriorNun Flashback ~ Last Time Ava and Bea Saw Each Other

81. #SaveWarriorNun Flashback ~ Last Time Ava and Bea Saw Each Other pt. 2

82. #SaveWarriorNun Flashback ~ Last Time Ava and Bea Saw Each Other pt. 3

83. #SaveWarriorNun present day

84. #SaveWarriorNun hmm i wonder what may happen next

85. #SaveWarriorNun first clip is what Bea is hearing…

86. #SaveWarriorNun should bea listen to lillith or camila? 👀

87. #SaveWarriorNun HELP JC FIND HIS PANTS

88. #SaveWarriorNun 3rd pic is what Bea is seeing

89. #SaveWarriorNun fight fight fight

90. #SaveWarriorNun olivia go to sleep

91. #SaveWarriorNun fuckboi beatrice

93. #SaveWarriorNun protect Cam❤️🤏🏼

94. #SaveWarriorNun you’re so right cam, ava is very hot

96. #SaveWarriorNun moving past it

100. #SaveWarriorNun over the next couple of weeks

101. #SaveWarriorNun SQUIDWARD

102. #SaveWarriorNun poor jc we’ll get him laid soon

104. #SaveWarriorNun make me 😈

105. #SaveWarriorNun y’all thought i was done for the night. LMFAOO 🫣

106. #SaveWarriorNun i deunkk!!

107. #SaveWarriorNun [CONTENT WARNING] 18+

108. #SaveWarriorNun [CONTENT WARNING] 18+

ever sent a sext to the wrong person?

109. #SaveWarriorNun [CONTENT WARNING] 18+

110. #SaveWarriorNun the awkwardness

111. #SaveWarriorNun hard to act like nothing happened in the morning if you wake up in eachother’s arms

112. #SaveWarriorNun [5 Years Ago: The morning after their fight]

of course she missed her, she never stopped

113. #SaveWarriorNun [Present Day]

114. #SaveWarriorNuns [5 Years Ago - The morning after Beatrice’s birthday]

115. #SaveWarriorNun [Present Day]

116. #SaveWarriorNun [5 Years Ago: The days following Ava and Beatrice’s fight]

117. #SaveWarriorNun [Present Day] i can’t with these gays

118. #SaveWarriorNun It’s time for the ball y’all 😎🕺🏽

119. #SaveWarriorNun Lillith switched sides

120. #SaveWarriorNun me too Bea

121. #SaveWarriorNun he’s not ready y’all

124. #SaveWarriorNun damn mary you so fine

126. #SaveWarriorNun don’t call me out on the order 🔪

127. #SaveWarriorNun you’re so real ava

121.25 #SaveWarriorNun oops i forgot to post

121.5 #SaveWarriorNun for all olivia haters i guess. i fucked up the order @avalasilva

130. #SaveWarriorNun no, they don’t. not really.

131. #SaveWarriorNun camila you’re so real for that

132. #SaveWarriorNun song at the end gives vibez…

133. #SaveWarriorNun fuck.

134. #SaveWarriorNun interesting caption, are you trynna say something beatrice?

135. #SaveWarriorNun finally JC getting some love

138. #SaveWarriorNun beatrice…

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