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Poll Strategist. Columnist. Ex Media Consultant @moefcc. Committed to listening, learning, and leading with compassion and courage

Jan 15, 2023, 13 tweets


Let us analyze why @iamsrk and #Pathaan should be boycotted.

Let’s start with SRK’s strange obsession with Pakistan.

This is what Shah Rukh said in 2010 after the billion-dollar @IPL decided not to accept Pakistani cricket players.



Shah Rukh has abused his power and hurt the sentiments of millions of his supporters with his anti-Hindu stance.

He had ramped up the anti-Hindu rhetoric with his statement that there is “extreme intolerance” in India.



In 2007, after losing the T20 World Cup final match to India, Shoaib Malik apologised to ‘‘Muslims all over the world’’ for not being able to beat India. That statement made many Indian Muslims cringe.

But what did SRK do? He tried to defend Malik in a subsequent interview.


Disappointed at the @BCCI’s decision to ban the Pakistani players, @iamsrk said it was humiliating to him as a team owner that no one bid for the Pakistani players despite them being put up for auction.

What does that tell you about his feelings towards Pakistan?


SRK’s record in hurting Indian sensibilities remains consistent.

John Buchanan, KKR coach, publicly insulted Indian players.

SRK did not reprimand Buchanan for snubbing the three (Ganguly, VVS and Dravid) all-time greats. Because Buchanan had insulted Indians not Pakis.


#BoycottPathaan is not an offhand remark.

With his sweeping statements, Khan insulted the memory of the innocent civilians who were brutally killed and the commandos and policemen who died in their attempt to free Mumbai from the jihadis in November 2008.


In 2012, Shah Rukh was booked for insulting India’s national flag under sections of Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.

I have nothing to say more on this because what to say about a person who doesn’t have any respect towards India.


In 2003’s Veer-Zaara, Shah Rukh Khan played an Airforce officer who became so desperately mad in love that he sacrificed his duty toward his country, and his responsibilities towards his parents, for a Pakistani girl he had met just two days ago.


In Main Hoon Naa (2004), an ex-army officer, a Hindu named Raghav (another name of Bhagwan Ram) was presented as the villain, while Pakistanis were shown with great human qualities who wanted peace with India. We all know how reality is entirely different.


Within two years of the 2008 Mumbai attacks by Islamist Jihadis, Bollywood released My Name is Khan (2010) and Kurbaan (2009). In both these films, Muslims were projected as victims of hate and bigotry, and Islamist terrorism was accorded a soft justification.


On one hand, they swapped the character of Mir Ranjan Negi to Kabir Khan in Chak De India to create a false narrative of Muslim victimhood and on the other hand, they made Haider propagate the Kashmiri separatist movement.


Also, you will be surprised to know that SRK wrote an article in which he played the victim card too. 😂

All in all, the sinking ship of Bollywood is now waiting to hit the rocks. Only a complete 180-degree turn from their anti-Hindu propaganda may rescue them, if at all. n/n


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