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Analysis & Opinion on Geopolitics Shadow/Ghost Banned - Won't see the content unless you come here to find it Intelligent Analysis for Intelligent People

Jan 16, 2023, 10 tweets

1/The WEF [Klaus Schwab] held a pandemic tabletop exercise with Johns Hopkins & The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation 2 mos. before COVID-19 struck: Event 201 [see thread below].

This is Joe Biden claiming U.S. "pandemic" unpreparedness 2 mos. before COVID-19 struck. Coincidence?

2/The original thread features this video of Klaus Schwab [WEF] speaking more recently about a massive global cyber attack to literally send the world [the U.S.] back to the Dark Ages.

3/"We're about ready to go into a "Dark Winter."

This is then candidate Joe Biden speaking about the U.S. heading into a "Dark Winter."

Coincidence? What does he mean?

Advanced symbolic speech on behalf of his Chinese principal? The evidence says yes.

4/Like Klaus Schwab, this is Joe Biden speaking about a massive cyber attack resulting from a war against Russia that he fabricated with Obama drawing back to 2014, regime change in Ukraine & NATO. Russia has been the Western Empire's "boogeyman" forever.

5/Since March 2021, I've written a series of nearly 100 articles arduously examining & evidencing the emergence of a 2-front war: Russia/Ukraine & China/Taiwan/South China Sea.

This is all critically important for what follows.


6/A massive cyber attack on the U.S. stands to be a precursory first strike to soften the nation for a subsequent full kinetic attack. China & Russia bear down. Moreover, U.S. weapons systems have severe exposure according to our own government.


7/Hillary Clinton's unsecured & fully accessible private server was a conduit to send classified & SAP information to China & others. The Penn Biden Center was a Chinese funded conduit to move the same sensitive information. I cover this extensively here:


8/In short, we were all sold out a very long time ago. I'll stack-up over 350 articles to prove it without a single grain of doubt. China and others have the "keys to the castle;" the necessary classified information to attack & neutralize U.S. weaponry.


9/If the U.S. is targeted for softening by a massive cyber attack as Klaus Schwab & Joe Biden have indicated, know that the survival rate for such has been conventionally held at around 10%.

There is abundant evidence to suggest this is in the queue.


10/A weapons-grade propaganda machine has hijacked the minds of a significant portion of Americans who live in a false reality. The truth is, a long timeline of infiltration & subversion has undone us inside-out. It was the only way. It's binary now:


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