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Jan 16, 2023, 29 tweets

#bluelock kaisagi kiis rival academic au (FINAL)


Dear Acel,
I’m glad that my first love experience is with you. thus, my youth will always be yours.

β€” Isa

untuk menjawab ini:


Part 1

Part 2


Michael Kaiser aka Acel

si ranking 1 and is really proud to call himself as Isa’s boyfie <3 akhir-akhir ini lagi terdistraksi tapi masih bisa pertahanin nilainya. is really good at english, math and PE.

Yoichi Isagi aka Isa

si (selalu) ranking 2 tapi (selalu) ranking 1 di hati Acel. akhir-akhir ini Isa lagi sibuk sama ekskul bulu tangkis. is really good at bio, world history and PE.

Isa’s inner circle in order: Bachira - Chigiri (Cici) - Nagi

yang sekelas sama Isa cuma Chigiri.

Rin Itoshi aka Rin

pacarnya Bachira, and close with both Acel and Isa (tapi dia lebih deket sama Isa). dia gak perlu masuk ke group chat buat tau segala curhatan Isa karena nanti Bachira bakal cerita juga ke dia.

Acel’s inner circle in order: Ness - Ranze (Zeze) - Hiori (Oyi) - Nagi

mereka semua beda kelas sama Acel. as you can see, ada Nagi juga di circle Acel karena Nagi is Acel&Isa close friend (selain Rin).

Oliver Aiku aka Kak Oliver

ketua ekskul bulu tangkis. deket sama Isa karena satu ekskul. Acel sering cemburu karena dia deket-deket sama Isa. actually, he has no feelings or whatsoever, cuma anggep Isa as adek kelas.

β€” START β€”

1. ekskul

2. touchy

3. nagi intel

4. pulang

5. kenapa?

6. lagi-lagi nagi

7. bachira😌

8. them, behind closed doors

9. a date has planned

10. jangan bully hiori😾

11. kiis date

12. bored

13. smol 🀏

14. Oliver

[ oh iya, ini ada playlistnya Acel/Isa. siapa tau mau dengerin juga]…


btw, sorry banget gue tinggal dulu, tapi gue janji ntar pas balik bakal update yang banyak. anywayss, gue tinggalin cc di sini in case you have something to tell me.

so, see u!🫢

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