artisbrutal2021 Profile picture
Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Jan 16, 2023, 14 tweets

Stalker shenanigans 🍿

Wait.. the penny is dropping

" BBN interviews Nora Maccoby with son William #Cadaf #ArtBaselMiami "

Nora Maccoby provided the illustrations for "ex-CIA" Robert David Steele's series of books
"Pedophilia & Empire"…

"Robert David Steele on Pedophilia, Trump, the Deep State, 911, Colonies on Mars and the Moons of Saturn, Underground Bases and more"…

Unfortunately YT removed those videos where he said that there are already children on Mars.. Yup..

Maybe James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong could help us out?



The network and connections here are fascinating

Going for more 🍿


Anyway, I've never mentioned this before, but I've always thought that Nora's art is very reminiscent of 'Outsider Art' , otherwise know as 'Art Brutal' or "Trauma Art "..

There's even a museum in Lausanne , Switzerland, which is very close to Tony Podesta's apartment which specialized in that genre

Y'all remember Tony's famous contemporary art collection, right?…

I'll stop here for now. We'll get to the Scientology links of these generational CIA - oops🤫, I mean, Washington DC families later.. and get more into Transformer DC

[Play silly games, win silly prizes]

"Tony Podesta hosted the Transformer Collectors View Series back in 2014"

He's a good friend of James Alefantis, isn't he?

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