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25 // sometimes i write // jinkook🐹🐰 // if you are only here for the aus but not for the real problem in real world, fuck off.

Jan 17, 2023, 14 tweets

#jinkookau where jungkook said jin is durian and after the filming jin is nowhere to be seen??

(part of cuddlebun x yeobo story)

not telling~

did he do something wrong?

how dare he???

why he asked those kind of thing😠😠

the reason....

there's no fun in it

guess where he is

the bangtan gc

he if found sitting in tiny in the corner behind the table

he sitting in tiny like this:

-the end-

Hope you enjoy this au, i haven't write that much latelyy, i hope this can lighten up your day💕

Tell me what you think (yeah i finally open one), pls don't be meanie

more of cuddlebun and yeobo🥺

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