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🏴‍☠️ Freedom & Free Speech, Animal Lover, Generation X

Jan 17, 2023, 6 tweets

Meghan has convinced Harry that she’s his mother, reincarnated. Listen to Meg’s interviews, then listen to Diana’s. She used Di’s words as a blueprint. Harry isn’t smart & she knows it. She knows he’s OBSESSED with the press too. She makes Harry

believe that the press is after them. “They killed your mother, Harry, are you going to let them kill me too?” You have the chance to save me.” This is how dangerous narcissists like MM plays on Harry’s weak, 12 year old mind. She takes advantage of him that way & it’s sick.

The Spencer’s said MM is nothing like her the whole world knows that. I’m surprised MM didn’t burst into flames at Di’s grave.She’d despise MM or any woman who came between her sons. Compare Di’s interviews with Meghan’s, it’s despicable that he allows this witch to use his

mothers memory in such a CHEAP way. No wonder William can’t stand her. She manipulates Harry by wearing his mums perfume & yes she had Diana books as a kid. She knew exactly who he & the RF was & Harrys stupid to believe otherwise. William was older & Diana was very close

to him. She called William her “anchor & the man in her life.” She told William everything. It wasn’t only Harry who lost his mum, William did too. The difference is William didn’t use it as an excuse to treat people like shit, he didn’t use her memory to make millions.

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