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Jan 18, 2023, 6 tweets

• JOHN MEYENDORFF • in Purification of Memory: A Study of Orthodox Theologians from a Catholic Perspective - Ambrose Mong

(pp. 1-2) • JOHN MEYENDORFF • grad of Institute Saint-Serge • doctorate on Gregory Palamas • taught at Institute Saint-Serge • member of World Council of Churches (WCC) • felt Orthodox Church is the true church •

(p. 4) ecumenical movement is vehicle for Orthodoxy to spread itself and its errors

(pp. 13-14) Meyendorff blames the split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy on scholasticism and even though unnamed here, St. Thomas Aquinas.

(p. 15) Orthodoxy is a synodal church which is what Francis wants.

(p. 16) "The bishop in the Orthodox Church is not a successor of any particular apostle and therefore it matters little if the church was founded by Peter, Paul, or John."


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